unsolved mysteries

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I had to correct something I didn't write in the sort, but I'm also making an announcement, even though I'm trying to write two other story, plus a new voltron, I'm going to try and add more to this one, because lots of you have commented me in chat and messages, and asked to keep this going, so I'll see what I can do

No ones POV

In a mysterious Kingdom, hidden from the eyes of the man, two figures, a man and a woman stood in the throne room, guards standing at the double doors, barricaded with banging sounds coming from the other side A raging fire could be heard outside, the queen held a young baby girl wrapped up, trying to calm the baby who cried in fear " shhh, it's okay little one, I am here" the woman coed, making the baby stop crying and smile up at her mother, a fem-soldier then hurried up the king " sire! The enemy is about to break through!" She warned " I must join my men!" The king took up his sword marching toward the doors

Here the king and that's the castle in the background

Here the king and that's the castle in the background

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Here the queen and yes there both elves

 " I will join you in battle " the woman was about to join the king when she heard " wait, I have a more important mission for you serenity" the queen spoke up " you must take the princess some where safe, if our kingdom falls then she is the only...

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" I will join you in battle " the woman was about to join the king when she heard " wait, I have a more important mission for you serenity" the queen spoke up " you must take the princess some where safe, if our kingdom falls then she is the only one who can restore order to both humans and all of xadia"

" my sister, I would give my life for the little princess" the guard bowed, the queen then walked over to a wall where a touchs flame glew bright, then turned the handle, opening a passage " this will take you in the direction of the river, be careful" she warned, just as she was about to hand her baby to the guard " I will always love you my darling, and il always be with you" she then kissed her forehead and gave her to the guard, who then nodded and started running down the tunnel holding the baby closer while holding a touch in her other hand, the sound of the wall that closed echoed, just as they made it outside an arrow was shot barely missing the woman's head " over there!" A males voice could be heard, along with multiple footsteps, the woman sneered, drawing her sword and started running towards the river with the crying baby, dodging arrows that were shot, unfortunately one arrow did manage to hit her leg, she grunted and slid down the hill, clenching the baby close to protected it " don't worry little princess I won't let them hurt you" she then noticed a boat by a dock with surprised her, but gave her an idea, she limped towards it, lying the little baby in the boat, then proceeded to tie an bracelet with a special type of rainbow stone Gently on the baby's wrist, the baby cooed, reaching for the woman " I was hoping i could give you this when you came of age, but I don't think I'm gonna get that changes, better to do it now then later" the people yelling not to far getting closer, just before the woman pushed the boat away she whispered " goodbye...I hope I survive long enough to see you in the future...my dear niece" then pushed the boat away, which floated away, the woman could hear the baby's cries grow further away,which broke her heart, along with a slight tear sliding down her face, then limped behind a tree as she heard footsteps

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