Echoes of Thunder

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That night, it was raining over The castle of Katolis,

Inside Ezran's room, he and the glowing Bait are cuddled up inside Ezran's bed, sleeping and loudly snoring. Ezran drools on Bait and Bait wakes up to lick the drool off of himself


"Take that, marshmallow monster!." He Drawing a picture of a dragon roasting marshmallow monsters on a large piece of paper

Just then the Thunder crashes, startling him, ezran Squeals, jumping awake and yelled out "Callum!

"It's okay, Ezran. It's just a thunderstorm. Nothing to be afraid of. Go back to sleep." Callum assured, looking at him a for a moment, then returning to his drawing

The young boy frowns " I wasn't scared "Lays back down and hugs bait " Bait was scared."

Bait growls in response and goes back to sleep

Time skip

Outside in the forest, one of the soldiers was patrolling until he heard a noise of rustling leaves

He turns around and aims his crossbow into the direction of the noise

"Who's there? Declare yourself, in the name of King Harrow!" He Exclaims

Thunder rumbles as lightning lights up the scene, revealing figures in between the trees. The guard shoots an arrow that hits a tree, then runs away.

A figure dashes out of the forest and follows him. The guard trips while the attacker makes their way through the tree tops.

He turns around and aims his crossbow, but loses the target.

The attacker draws their blades and kicks him into a puddle of water, then holds the blades against his throat. "Please! Who are you?"

The so called attacker is taken aback as they look at guards face, filled with fear

and lowers their weapons.

He pushes himself backwards until he can stand, then manages to flee into the forest.

The attacker lowers their weapons further and sighs

Time skip

The rain had stopped and the sun began to rise

In the tower of Katolis, Viren examines a large mirror when he is disturbed by a knock.

"High Mage! Please, it's urgent!" Someone yelled, the Knocking continue, as he

covers the mirror with a sheet and opens the door, which reveals the guard that was attacked

"Lord viren! I've seen something" he said in a with a Panicked face

Walking down the hall, Viren approaches King Harrow's chambers, which was guarded by two guards, one puts a hand up

Signaling to stop] Lord Viren, uh, King Harrow hasn't risen yet.

Viren pushes the doors to the room open. He approaches Harrow's bedroom windows and opens the curtains, making pips whistle while flap his wings

Waking up Harrow, he sits up tiredly "Viren, didn't I tell you if you ever woke me up this early again... I'd have you executed?" He asked while smirking

He clears his throat " I'll give you a moment"

After that viren stood on his kings balcony as he waited for him, after changing he walks out with pips on his arm, scratching his chin "So, what's so important that you come into my bedroom risking your life like this?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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