14. Teasing While Working

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School started again in September and I wasn't that happy. I had been getting up very early in the morning anyway, but I didn't want to go to school. It wasn't fun but at least I had my friends.

I jogged down the street, my backpack bouncing up and down. I arrived at the school in no time and went to my locker. I grabbed my books and went to class. I sat down and waited for class to start. I usually arrived close to when the bell rang. I always made sure to get here early so I wasn't late. Working in the fields in the morning made it harder but it was alright.

Lunch came around and I sat at the usual table. Some of the cross country team were there. They greeted me and Johnny handed me a piece of paper.

We want you to come over for a fiesta on Saturday. Everyone's going to be there. It's going to be fun - Johnny

I took Johnny's pen. Okay. When is it? I'm pretty sure my dad will let me go. You guys are my friends.

Johnny smiled and told his friends. Josephina and Thomas arrived with Julia. Josephina started translating for me and it made things a little easier. We joked around and laughed. It was so much fun being around these guys.

At the end of the day, I got a ride to the fields with the Diaz family. I dropped my backpack off and I jogged to where everyone else was. Thomas showed up not too long afterward and joined us. He helped me talk to the others.

"What are you guys going to do after graduation?" I asked. "We are seniors afterward."

"The Diaz trio wants to go to college," Thomas replied after a few moments. "They said Coach White has inspired them to go and they really want to be successful. They want to help their families better."

"What about you?" I asked. "You've got to have some plans."

Thomas shrugged. "College sounds nice but my family doesn't have the funds."

"Take out a loan," I suggested. "College can help you support your family better."

Thomas nodded. "I know. What are you going to do?"

"College," I replied. "I want to study criminal justice and/or forensic science."

Thomas smiled. "Great profession, Athena. You'll do great."

"You should do it with me," I said. "I know you mentioned how much you like criminal justice stuff."

Thomas shrugged, scratching the back of his neck. "Sure, I guess. We'll stick together like the friends we are."

I smiled. "We'll be the crime-fighting duo. Athena Sanders and Thomas Valles, detectives and partners. We'll fight the worst of the worst."

Thomas laughed. "Maybe. I got to watch your back though. We all know you're clueless."

I smacked Thomas's shoulder and continued picking. We continued to tease and poke fun at each other. Time passed and before I knew it, it was time to go home. I jogged over to grab my backpack and I kissed Señora Diaz's cheek before running off. Home was about a half an hour away and I was hungry.

As I jogged down the street, I thought a bit. Thomas didn't seem that interested in college, though I knew he wanted to help his family. I shook it from my head. Thomas could make his own decisions.

I got within a few blocks of my house when I spotted a group of men. They were walking down the street towards me. I didn't like the way they looked so I crossed the street and kept my eyes on them. They stared at me and seemed to whistle at me, calling and beckoning me over. I shook my head and continued running.

I got to my house and stepped in. Dad was just setting the table when I walked in. I greeted him and went to my room to put my backpack. I joined Dad in the dining room and started eating.

"How was work?" Dad asked.

"Tiring," I replied. "I need to redo my braids though. They're getting loose and I don't want them to fall out."

"You can do that this weekend," Dad said. "I won't be here but I know you're capable of doing it yourself."

I nodded. "I am. Can I go to a party on Saturday? Some of my friends invited me and I want to go."

"Of course," Dad said. "I don't mind. Be careful though. You know it isn't safe when it's dark."

I nodded again. "I'll have one of the cross-country kids or Victor walk me. You don't need to worry about me."

Dad smiled. "I know. Do your braids beforehand."

"I will," I said. "I get off at four o'clock and I believe the party starts at seven. I can do my braids in that time. I'll have Josephina help me."

"Alright," Dad said. "Don't get too crazy."

I laughed. "I won't. I'm not that kind of kid. I'll be fine."

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