06. Let's Go Out

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I walked to school, chilled from the cool air. It was late October and the weather got to me. It was similar to Oregon except in Oregon, it rained all the time. I arrived at school and I spotted Victor sitting outside, waiting for me. He was all bundled up and shivering.

He stood up and waved to me. "Hello, Athena. How are you?"

He had been learning ASL like Thomas and he was doing well.

I smiled. "Hey, Victor. I'm doing alright. How are you?"

"I'm doing well," Victor asked, his lower lip shaking. "Do you want to go inside? It's cold."

I nodded, pulling my jacket tighter. Victor and I went inside. We sat down on one of the benches in the hallway. We talked and we sometimes had to use a piece of paper to talk. It was really nice to talk to Victor. We had gotten to know each other over the past few weeks. He was a really nice guy. I had noticed that he wasn't messing around with other girls and didn't have a girlfriend. He seemed to stay away from his fuckboy nature lately.

The halls started to fill up with a flow of students. Victor tapped my thigh and I looked at him.

"The first bell," he signed. "I'll walk you to your next class."

I nodded and got up. Victor and I walked through the hallways. When we got to my class, I turned to wave bye to Victor but he grabbed my wrist. He kissed my cheek and winked, walking away.

I smiled and shook my head. I walked into my classroom and sat down. I yawned as the teacher started the class. I jotted down the notes, twirling a braid with my finger.

At lunch, I sat at my usual table and waited for Josephina and Thomas. Thomas was learning so much ASL. He could hold a conversation very well and only asked something when he didn't know how to say it. He was trying so hard to communicate with me.

Josephina and Thomas sat in front of me. We talked for a while as we ate. Victor sat beside me and waved to me. He talked to Josephina and Thomas for a second before turning to me.

"Hey, Athena," Victor signed. "Can I sit with you guys?"

I nodded. "Of course. What's up?"

"Nothing much," Victor said. "I thought I'd say hi and see how you were doing."

"Just fine, thank you," I said. "How are you?"

"I'm alright," Victor said.

Victor sat with us for the rest of lunch. He got up when I did and walked me to class. We did have the same class after all.

We sat down next to each other and started talking. I went through the rest of the day just fine and I went to my locker after my last class.

I turned and I saw Victor walking towards me. I smiled and waved. He returned the gesture and we walked side by side.

Victor grabbed my arm. "I really like you, Athena. I'd like to take you out sometime."

I smiled. "Sure. What time?"

"Friday at 6:00?"

I nodded, my smile growing. "I can do that. What do you want to do?"

Victor suddenly became shy. "I didn't think I'd get this far. A walk in the park?"

"Sure," I replied. "That would be nice. I'll see you then."

I smiled as I walked off. I went home, a smile on my face the entire time. I stepped inside, closing the door behind me.

I set my stuff in my room and I started working on homework. When Dad came back and dinner was ready, I left my room and sat at the table. I ate with Dad and returned to my room to finish my homework.

Soon I got bored, I stared out my window and thought of the day. Victor was really cute but I couldn't help but think about the warning Josephina and Thomas gave me. Victor was a player but he seemed nicer now. He wasn't messing around with other girls and he only paid attention to me when I was around. I hoped he didn't screw it up.

Listen Closely (Victor Puentes/McFarland USA Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang