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Hey guys, it's been too long! I've missed you all! You ready for some cute Nophie action?

This wasn't the first oneshot I planned on uploading but I finished it first because I had some ideas. Hopefully, I'll get another one up soon but I'm warning you all now that they won't be regular like the story updates were because I've just started my second year at college and I''ve got loads of work already so I can't write as much.

This oneshot is set a few years into the future. Here are the prompts I received for it:

Reading Sophie say she only wants kids means you could do a one shot in the future about her being pregnant or something like that - tennispunk138, TWFanfiction

Sophie finding out she's pregnant and telling Nathan - Damonspikebones, TWFanfiction

A oneshot of Sophie finding out that she is pregnant - megamoo118, Wattpad

"You want me to make you some breakfast, love?"

"Mmm" I hummed in response, not even bothering to open my tired eyes. I was still in that half-conscious state from my sleep and was only drifting out of it slowly, coaxed by the sound of Nathan's voice.

"What do you want?" I heard him ask, fingers trailing gently over my bare shoulder.

"I dunno" I mumbled, nuzzling my face further into the pillow.

"Well, give me something to work with" he chuckled. I let out a playful groan and lifted my head up, opening my eyes to see a hint of a smirk sat contently on my fiancee's (extremey beautiful) face. I blinked and admired his features for a few moments, the stubble lining his jaw, those massive yet endearing eyebrows and his oddly shaped yet ridiculously cute nose, before I spoke.



I nodded.

"You want chips for breakfast?"

"Yeah" I nodded.

"At half past eight in the morning?" he asked, looking rather amused.

I shrugged, being completely serious, "I just fancy some chips"

"Well, I'm not sure that we even have any chips" he told me as he sat up, "and I'm pretty sure no chip shops are open at this time in the morning"

"Well, make them open" I muttered, letting my head drop back on the soft pillow.

"I'm sure I'll find something just as appealing as chips" he chirped as he climbed out of the bed and pulled some clothes on, before padding out of the room.

I let my eyes close shut and began to fall back into unconsciousness, but was soon woken up by the sound of pans clanking as they were being taken out of the cupboard downstairs. I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and leaning down over the bed to pick up a random t-shirt from the floor. I pulled it on before snuggling back into the bed again.

Around fifteen minutes later, the sound of footsteps making their way up the stairs caught my attention, along with the smell of bacon. I sat up just as Nathan entered our bedroom holding a tray in his hands.

"No chips" he said, walking to my bedside, "but you've got bacon so I hope that makes up for it"

I smiled as he placed the tray down on my lap. On it was a plate filled with bacon, a fried eggs, loads of beans and a couple of slices of toast, along with a glass of orange juice.

Nathan and Sophie OneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя