Dez couldn't help but notice the way Trish's smile dropped once she laid eyes on him.

"Yay! You're here." Ally squealed, before throwing her arms around Austin's neck. He buried his nose into the crook of her neck and pulled her closer, swinging her back and fourth. While this was going on, both Trish and Dez suddenly felt the same sense of awkwardness. Would they have to acknowledge each other now too?

Glancing away from the happy couple, Trish turned to Dez who was standing opposite her with his hands in his pockets. He was dressed...actually okay. She couldn't help but observe how annoyingly well the plaid shirt he was wearing fit his long arms in a way that made them look more built.

Shut up Trish! He's tall and lanky, not built. Built and Dez do NOT go in the same sentence.

As if feeling her eyes on him, he turned to face her and rose an eyebrow in interest once he comprehended the fact that she had already been staring back at him.

"Admiring me already?" He asked mockingly, a smirk settling on his lips. "I wouldn't say you're exactly my type moody." Trish leered at him and ground her teeth, feeling regretfully embarrassed before replying.

"In your wildest dreams freckle face."

"Not really, no." He deadpanned and she scoffed at him but didn't say anything as she folded her arms. Dez grinned, watching her reaction.

"You guys, this is supposed to be a nice 'outing' between friends." Austin and Ally had finally stopped 'greeting each other hello' at this point. Trish and Dez both looked over at Ally at the same time to see a pout forming on her lips and a slight frown on Austin's face.

"We're not fighting, fighting. Are we Trish?" He turned his attention back to the short girl, giving her a silent message through his eyes. Remember the agreement.

"No, we're not." She eventually agreed, and managed a small smile that looked more like a grimace. "Just friendly banter between friends." And just because she could, she gave him what looked like a playful punch on the shoulder, but what really had a lot more force behind it. She watched with silent satisfaction as Dez tried to smile through the pain and discretely rub his now sore shoulder.

Austin and Ally stared at the two for a moment before glancing at each other and shrugging.

"Well okay...let's get to that movie. I heard it was kind of jumpy though." Ally frowned, causing Austin to laugh.

"Don't worry, I'll be in there with you remember?" Austin winked, causing Ally's frown to disperse with a giggle. Holding hands, they walked over to the ticket booth and as if forgetting about their other friends, left Trish and Dez standing there.

"Did you really have to hit me that hard." Now that Austin and Ally were out of ear shot, he allowed himself a glare in her direction. Trish simply smirked at him.

"Hey, it's not my fault you're a wimp who can't take a punch from a girl." A girl who had also done kick-boxing for five years, but she wasn't going to mention that or the whole insult would've been ruined.

"Yeah, well just don't go grabbing out for my hand in the dark. If you know, scary movies aren't your thing." Dez said, as the two began walking towards the ticket booth side by side.

"Please, I wouldn't grab out for your hand if I were about to fall off of a cliff." Trish told him plainly, rolling her eyes at him. Dez simply shrugged, not looking at all offended by her comment.

"Fine by me. I probably wouldn't have offered it anyway." Asshole. Trish thought to herself, fighting the urge to punch him again as they stopped behind Austin and Ally in the line. She was beginning to believe that the day would go on longer than the whole depressing week leading up to the event did.

Thin Lines | TREZNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ