Reason one: he was a teenage boy and so his mind was prone to go into the gutter.

Reason two: if she hadn't been eating that icecream cone so seductively then it wouldn't have happened in the first place.

Once she'd caught him staring and had shouted "What the heck are you looking at you creep?!" the moment had been over.

"Right, uh-huh." Austin replied back in a very unconvinced tone. Before Dez could tell him to shut up, Dallas, a close friend of their's came running up to them with his iPhone on full display.

"Hey guys, watch this. Chuck looks like a whale with a blowhole."

And after laughing to tears, all talks of Trish De La Rosa and romance were far from Dez's mind.


Lunch came by quickly, and on her walk to the cafeteria, Trish smiled to herself. There was finally some time to relax and paining thoughts about the horrible algebra equation that she had been made to solve were miles away. Lunch with Ally was always the highlight of her day. (That, and when the bell went off to signal school was over.) They would swap stories about each other's day and share food packed from their lunches. The hour of bliss was needed if she were to get through the remaining three hours that were deemed necessary for reasons she still couldn't understand.

As she made her way over to her usual table with Ally, she noticed that Austin was already there with her and not at his own usual table with the other good looking guys he usually hung out with. What was weirder was the fact that nobody seemed to really care at all. She decided quickly that Austin had either intimidated them into not saying anything or they really weren't a shallow bunch as she'd previously thought.

The sight of them laughing together made her smile. They looked happy, and if her best friend was happy, then so was she.

"Hey lovebirds," She winked at them as she sat down. "Sorry on being a third wheel but I need to eat and that is not going to be alone." The two on the opposite side of the table laughed again, and she grinned as she took out her lunch from her bag.

"We always sit together Trish. That's not going to change for anything" Ally reminded her, the laughter gone from her voice and a warm tone replaced with it instead. The smile on Trish's face stayed put as she replied. "I'm glad."

The moment was ruined however once she heard the voice of the one person that managed to ruin her day just by breathing.

"Hey Austin, Elliot said you were over here." Dez was walking over to the table with a tray of cafeteria food in his hands and the usual happy smile brightening up his face. Trish's smile damped into a frown upon his arrival. She had to stop forgetting he would show up wherever Austin was.

"Hey there Ally Dawson," He gave her a playful wave that caused Ally to laugh and wave back with a quick. "Hi Dez."

Then he turned to Trish, and the smile was gone.

"De La Rosa." She rose an eyebrow at the use of her last name. So they were on those terms now? Well, it was probably better than the 'Moody, Wild Curls,' one he had used to refer to her earlier.

"Wade." She said back, her mouth forming a straight line. They sized each other up for a few seconds, before glancing away from each other with an eye roll. After a few moments of standing, Dez realized if he wanted to sit and talk to Austin...he would have to sit down next to Trish. So begrudgingly, he spoke to her again.

"Hey, can you budge up so I can sit down?" Once realising he was talking to her, Trish turned slowly to look up at him from her sitting position. She shot him the special glare that she had perfected over the years to use on him alone.

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