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Shit. I am addicted!

Yes I can't deny it. Every second every moment you knock at my window pane , damn I lose myself there.

And honestly speaking the way you move around is too provocative. Undeniably I can never ever be satiated by your soothing voice.

Everytime I inhale your fragrance , the enchanting mist, my stomach churns uncontrollably hard. The way I close my eyes and take deep breaths as you kiss all over my face is just indescribable.

Its 7:00 p.m. and you've hid yourself under that black cover. But trust me , I still , somehow find you beautiful.

And yes I am talking about you. So even when it's February winter I still sneakily open the window when I hear you.

Well we don't talk really. Through words.

We talk with silence.
When you fall on the roof above my head.

It's you whose talkin' , I listen.

So dear Rain, since I've become crazy about your sounds, the winds that you carry along which hit my face when my spectacled face peeps out from my brown pane.

Unbelievable it is that I am wearing jacket but I feel warm when that cool wind hits me hard. Strange!

That's why I tell you.
I've become addicted to you.

...So come soon please
Repeat it again
I won't mind replaying
Your gentle touches
On my bare skin
And the smooth
Fragrance roamin' by.
It's made me crazy
And I need help
But I can't look away
Look away from you
My only medicine
The most dangerous
Of all addictions..


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