chapter 19- blackness....

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Holla, I hope you enjoy this chapter as this fan fiction is coming to an end another one is blossoming it's called 'I'll fight for her' the first chapter is up now I hope you would read it ily!💗x

ziva's PoV-
all I can see is blackness I can hear noises well mumbles from different areas I'm in a dark room I can tell you that and I've been attacked because every where fucking hurts and I know there is at least four people in the room just my senses could be wrong.....
I get released from a sack that was on my head and slowly open my eyes knowing what's to come....
I see my step dar, dar, my stepsisters....
"We meet again I see" I growl
"Hello again BITCH" me mar says shaking my face
"so I see you like smacking people now funny that" I say smirking
"LISTEN UP" my dar shouts
"well I haven't got anything else to do" I say
"STOP BEING SNARKY" Margie shouts kicking my leg
"So Ziva we have brought you here because the mafia have been murderd well most of them with a fight with the irish" my dar says
"so why the fuck have you batterd me just to tell me that could of just sent a letter" I say smirking
"OI" marline shouts kicking my chair
"Now that wasn't called for marl" I say
"SHUT UP DICKHEAD" me dar shouts
"So we have brought you here to say that you fucking caused the crash with your mar if it wasn't for you then she would be alive and with me so for that we are going to beat you up" he says
"Okay so why though" I say
"No need for Why" he says getting a knife out
"Erm I didn't ask for knifes" I say
"I know but it's our beating to you we can do whatever we want" he says smirking
He grabs my arm and sliced 'dead' across my arm i loves the pain it caused....
Then he sliced up my legs....
My step sisters grabbed my neck and sliced down my face making the scar open again great wonderful!......
my dar punches my stomach and kicks my legs....
It was time to take action I jumped high out of the chair ripping the tape and kicking my dar in the stomach making him fall I storm past them all punching and kicking them running out the house running and running.....
time skip- where am I again....
I walk through the streets of London trying to find the o2 I stop and ask....
"Excuse me have you seen the o2 I'm looking for it" i stumble my words
"Oh my you need medical attention" she says
"No I just need the O2" I stop her
"It's down the road and left" she says
"Okay thanks" I mumble putting my hood up
I walk fast to the stadium fumbling and stumbling around the streets my whole body screaming for me to stop but I had to get there so I ran there nearly falling over on multiple occasions but I made it there....
"Hel-l-o" I say
"Do you know where strictly is" I mumble with my hood up
"Through there who may you be" she says
"I'm Ziva I'm one of the dancers" I say
"Okay through there" she says pointing I nod and walk in
I burst through the doors running across to my dressing room getting ready into my outfit for the show dance and walk outside finding Graziano and Johannes....
"Hello you'd two have I missed anything" I say
"No not really just about to start" Johannes says
"What happened to you" Graziano says
"Oh nothing it's all good" I say
"Your face is bleeding" he says
"the cut has just opened it's fine" I say
"Ohhh okay" he says
time skip- goat dance then mine....
"Are you a goat jake" I say
"Yeah it's so sweaty in it" he says
"HEY AM I A GOAT" I shout making everyone laugh
"Yes zi you are" amy says smiling
"WHOOP" I say
Oh shit my legs are falling asleep I throw myself onto the sofa....
"Zi are you okay" she asks
"Yeah I'm all good" I say the pain IS FUCKING unbearable honestly
"Are you sure your leg is bleeding" she says
I sighed and sat her down....
"No not really but I can't tell anyone about what happened" I say serious
"Why" she asks
"Because for an example if I told you they would kill you" I say
"Well that's a risk I'm willing to take" she says smiling
"I can't I'm sorry" I say getting up walking to my dressing room
I get dressed into my outfit for my dance then walk to the place where I run to the curtain and get ready
"Tonight for tonight as it is the last night for one more night with her contemporary dance it is ziva pora!" Ore says I run to the curtain getting started
I start my routine perfecting it as I go making it perfect for the London crowd I finish and the routine and the whole stadium erupted with claps and cheers a lot of years she'd no wonder it's a very special routine to me....
"This girl here is an amazement to me and she inspires me on the daily!" Darcey says hugging me
"Thank you so much darcey" I say smiling
We get backstage....
"What happened zi" I hear Dianne said
"Oh" I say flopping onto the sofa

holla, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you had a wonderful day!💗x
Youtubers-joanne I love you so so so much my angel text me my lovely❤️❤️❤️x
next chapter- happy endings....
bec x

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