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Word had got around that the big boss had a special guest coming. They ranged from expensive prostitutes to the richest men in the world. Their boss was a crime lord, one of the most feared men in America. In an instant he could kill you, or have you killed. He had summoned his most powerful, and presentable men. Two were leaders of sub gangs, Xever for underground business, Hun for thieving and ransom. 

Hun was the branch of his thieving and ransom, and was also a notorious womanizer. He was a Chinese-American, whose immigrant parents had no clue their son was a gang leader. He ran the sub-group known as New Years Dragons. His net worth? About 50K, and he was proud of himself. 

Xever, also known as Mr. X, did a lot more dirty work. Murders, kidnappings, drug cartel, you name it and this man did it. He was once gorgeous, but left disfigured on the left side of his face to a ghastly chemical burn. Only an unreasonable price could fix his face, but he liked it, it gave him character. He was originally a street thug from Brazil until he had been caught trying to smuggle money from the Big Boss on his visit. Rather than allowing him to die in prison, he offered him a job working under him. The rest is history. 

Now, the two wondered why they were present. They were behind the scenes workers, not typically noticed by anybody unless they needed to hire them out. The Big Boss folded his hands, waiting patiently for Titan's arrival. This was a little unnerving, them thinking of how and why they were summoned. Finally, the Boss spoke up:

"You both will be working for Titan for an unspecified amount of time. Consider this a promotion, you'll have more money than you'll know what to do with." The name Titan was a little concerning, because of just how much power this man had to have to be nicknamed Titan. You were never given your name in New York City, it was given. The two traded confused looks, but nodded nonetheless. They knew better than to speak against the Boss.  

Thirty minutes had passed, until finally a distant sound of heels clacking had caught their attention. A woman clad in a shimmering, almost body tight suit stood in front of them. She had porcelain skin, which contrasted nicely with her copper red hair. A natural ginger, cute. The woman had sharp, arched eyebrows with dark, thick eyelashes and dangerously cold blue eyes. Her nose was petite and straight, her mouth full and a blood red color. Her face was angled and a little hallowed. The two men couldn't help themselves from letting their eyes wonder around her figure. Nice, full breasts and a perky butt with thick thighs. She was a sight for sore eyes. Hun was the first to speak:

"Sorry Toots, the Boss has a very important guest coming over. He doesn't need any special company right now.",Hun smirked and took off his sunglasses to shoot her a wink.  "I'll be more than glad to spend some time with ya later."

Xever felt his mouth go dry. He had seen this woman before, and knew exactly who she was. He could only turn towards Hun, beckoning him to stop before he said anything else stupid. She was the woman with custom heels that had knives in the heel, the woman who ran the largest drug cartel in the world for four years: Ms. Titan

Thankfully, she was a very flirtatious, charming woman--from what he knew. The ginger laughed softly, placing her right hand on her hip. "Sorry darling,  your boss and I have a meeting, and its about you two." Hun dropped the smirk off of his face almost immediately. The Big Boss stood, shaking hands with the woman. 

"Ms. Titan, how nice to see you. I apologize at Hun's behavior, I can have that dealt with right away--","Oh nonsense Boss-man, he's alright. Besides, once he's under me I'll make sure to fix that mouth.",her voice was dangerously calm and sharp, something that sent shivers down Xever and Hun's spines. Suddenly, the name clicked in Hun's mind. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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