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So we're gonna do this Name The Apprentice differently! I'll make up a clan and give some apprentices from that clan.

So welcome to Tidalclan!

Clan name



Tidalclan's camp lays in a sandy bay hidden by reeds near the ocean. Tales of Dolphins, Whales, Orcas, Eels are passed down from their ancestors. Their hunting grounds are by the beach and reed bay, where there is almost no cover and where they have to relay on their sense of hearing.


Tidalclan cats are known to dig into the sand to hide. Color their pelts in sand to camouflage when hunting. Can fish for minnows by the beach. They also hunt for crabs and seagulls.


Tidalclan cats have special fur that is washed from dust baths. They have wide webbed paws. Strong long legs for leaping and long ears to help hear for predators.

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