Chapter 1: More Than Fire

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Chapter 1.

Six o'clock. On the exact dot where the clock tower rested high in the sky was when it started. A purge of murder and violence that confiscated the lives of anyone who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. A way of clearing the side of the river of any weakness. The only way for the species to be strong, was if the weak died out and the strong survived.

The sound of screams and blood being spilled could be heard in each house I passed. My heels clicking on the murky pavement covered in urine and vomit, a smirk on my face as I scanned which house I wanted to choose. There were so many privileged Cursed who deserved it, and I wanted nothing more than for them to suffer. It was unfair that so many could barricade themselves in their house when it was the poor and famished that had to suffer. In this world, it was a kill or be killed scenario.

I was most certainly born to kill.

The sun was now fully set on my leisurely stroll down the streets of my hometown, the sights of the riots clear as day. A fire was being burned miles away but I could still see them. It was second nature for me to see the destruction surrounding me. It would be strange living in a world with no violence and no hate. My life was like this every night, living so that the world was surrounded by the strongest. The second I grew weak was the second I died. This was to prove to anyone who tried to trifle with me the consequences.

A young man ran by me, bumping my shoulder in the process. I turned slightly to challenge him, but he seemed to be no threat as I saw the blood pouring from his shoulder. When I looked back over a woman was chasing after him, her electric blue hair flying behind her. The man had disappeared, and she stopped slightly beside me, her eyes glowing bright blue.

"Don't even try me lightning girl." I snarled, looking at her hands that had begun to spark with electricity. "If you value your life, you won't."

She nodded slightly out of fear before sprinting off to find the person she was hunting. The Cursed are predators, and when faced with a more threatening one it's best not to get in each other's way. It was a game of cat and mouse when both are the cat it isn't worth it. It just leads to things getting too messy. I was more for the simplistic, taking down the weak ones before they live too long and create more spawn.

I looked back down at my watch that was tightly wrapped around my wrist and smirked. When I looked up at the sky, I could see the two moons brightly lit into being full. The lights of the skyscrapers around me had turned off, showing that people were trying to make it seem like no one was home. It put a bigger target on their back and they didn't even realize it. Fear was snuffed out faster than hope was in this country.

I couldn't help but tilt my head up at the sky, masking in the power that was radiating off of the planet. The space rocks that had entered the atmosphere exploded, causing bits of powder to rain from the sky. The explosion and flame proved to the world that no other element is more powerful. I couldn't help but smirk at the irony that showcased in the fire that flickered down from the sky.

I began walking further and further down the streets, watching the houses turn from small trailers to mansions. Pain and pleasure of those being killed or killing could be heard as I got closer. It was unbelievable how the Cursed were able to procreate since everyone constantly tried to kill the other. However, it was more common for women to kill women or men to kill men. There needed some balance for the opposite genders to be able to have children, otherwise, the Cursed species would cease to exist. I refused to let the Blessed have that satisfaction since they had been wanting us to die out for years.

I had my own plan for the night, ignoring my instincts of being spontaneous. I was on my own mission, wanting to kill as many people as I could. There were people inside this particular place, very important people from what I had gathered. They were part of a group that wanted to form a government in Phantom, hoping to bring justice and peace. I didn't want that, I liked the way things were. They couldn't destroy and remove the only thing I knew.

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