"It's his anniversary soon...isn't it." 

A painful clench constricts in my chest and the sudden feeling of being unable to breathe invades me. Clenching my fist, I force myself to stay calm as I coldly reply. 

"Yes it is." 

"How many years has it been now?" He knows damn well how many years it's been, he was there with me when I mourned, just like how I was there for the death of his wife. 

"56 years if I remember correctly." 56 years since I've lost my little baby boy. Lost him to the clutches of disease, and all because he wasn't born with the blood of a dragon. 

Fingers lace through my own, the grasp comforting as I reach the door of my room. "Why are you bringing this up now, Zeno." His grasp tightened, his voice coming out soft. 

"I'm here for you...Kimiko. I neglected to be there with you after the day we buried him...and I apologize for that...I really do. I should have-" Swiveling around, I pull him into a tight hug, the embrace being one that would have crushed a normal human being. 

"You were dealing with the death of Kaya. I didn't expect for you to be there when you yourself were dealing with the death of someone you loved. I do not take it to heart, truly I don't." That, and the fact he was the only one in the world where I could fully care for...without the threat of death taking him away like all the others. 

Pulling away from him, I turn away without meeting his eyes. Opening the door to my room, I head straight towards my chest, where my black armour and bow were kept.  HIs presence approaches from behind as I slip on the now polished and shiny armour.

Rolling my shoulder, adjust to the familiar feel of metal on skin before going to turn towards Zeno. However, before I can, hands come up to grasp my hair. Kneeling down, I sit still as Zeno expertly braids my hair in multiple warrior braids. 

"When was the last time you had your hair in these braids?" asks Zeno softly. 

"The last time you came to visit...I can't bring myself to braid them myself half the time. I like it when you do it for me." I say lowly, amusement lacing my tone. 

Zeno lets out a low chuckle, the sound vibrating through his body and into my own as he moved closer to finish the last of my braids. 

"Do you want hair clasps or ribbons interweaved? I can undo a couple and put them in if you wish?"  


So that is exactly what he did. opposite of my rather dark appearance, Zeno grabs ribbons coloured Red, Yellow, and Green, lacing them in my braids before adding a couple of silver hair clasps. Satisfied with his work, Zeno steps back and allows me to stand. 

"Now you look like the old Kimiko I knew." He says brightly, his vibrant blue eye shininging. I smile weakly and give him nod of thanks while I sling my bow over my shoulder.  I may look like my old self, but the hardship of life have left me numb to most things. 

I am no longer the same. 

Zeno seems to realize the mistake of his comment because his eyes soften before making his way towards me to give me another hug. 

"promise to be safe?" asks the blonde, his hug tightening as I encircle my arms around him. Scoffing, I roll my eyes and shake my head. 

"like I need to be." 


Zeno's harsh and blunt tone has me laughing as I pull away from him. "Yeah, yeah. Fine. I'll be safe." 

Moving around him, I make my way towards the door, but before I could open it, Zeno's voice stops me yet again. 

"Bring Yoon back to us safely." 

I leave without uttering a reply. 

*                    *                    *                    * 

   The air stunk with fear, the scent almost palpable as I walk through the streets on a small farming town. Not a single soul roamed the streets, and as I strained my ears for any type of sound...I found nothing. 

Uneasiness tugged at my soul unwillingly. Never before has a village seemed so lifeless. Even though there are signs of the living through the lights coming from houses and shops, not a single person walked out in the streets. The reason for this soon became clear when a scream of pain erupts through the silence. 

With bow raised and ready, I slowly approach the source of the scream. The sound comes from a rather old looking warehouse, no doubt the building holds the villages food supply for the winter. 

Shouts of frustrations and anger are heard from inside, followed by another scream from a rather young voice. 

With frowns furrowed, I approach the side of the warehouse and look through a crack in the wall. What I saw instantly has my blood boiling. 

A young boy with orange looking hair stared defiantly at a bunch of Fire Tribe soldiers. His blue eyes clouded with pain and his one arm hung limply at his side. 

He's being tortured. 

"Just tell us where the princess is!" Screams one particular soldier, his face contorted in rage and frustration. 

Ah...so that boy must be Yoon then...

"I-I told you already...I don't know where they are!" Protests Yoon weakly, his body hunching over as he supports his (what I'm guessing) broken arm. 

Slinging my bow over my shoulder, I allow my body to become a shadow, the tendrils of darkness allowing me to flow through the cracks in the wall and into the warehouse. 

"Lies!" The soldier raises his hand as if to strike the boy, but I manage to step in front and block the attack before it even comes close to landing. I glare at the Fire Tribe soldiers, a low growl emanating from me as my blue eyes glowed like hellfire. 

"A friend of the princesses is a friend of mine," I say with a low snarl. The Soldiers around me look at me in horror. Before I give them the chance to attack or say so much as a single word, I'm already attacking. 

Blood splatters everywhere as I kill with ease. In mere moments, the men torturing Yoon were laying on the ground, dead and lifeless. Turning around, I go to approach Yoon, but he takes a step back from me in fear. 

"Who the hell are you!?" Yell's Yoon, his eyes darting from the dead soldiers back to me. 

I sigh lowly, my shadows disappearing as I continued to walk towards Yoon, ignoring the fact that he's backing away from me. 

"I'm a friend of Yona. They told me to come get you." 

"how do I know that you won't kill me." 

Letting out a low growl, I wave my hand slightly, the darkness appearing once again. I don't have the patience for millions of questions. I just need to get this kid back to the others. without taking notice, the shadows rise behind Yoon and quickly strick him across the head. 

Moving forward, I catch the girlish looking boy before he can hit the ground. Being carful of his arm, I lift him up bridal style before walking out of the Warehouse. 

"Time to take you back." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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