Late *Laura*

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Laura's pov

After about 30 minutes, we arrived to Lea's house. Her family had a really pretty and spacious house with many windows. She lived there with only her mother, since her parents got divorced when she was little. That reminds me,.. did I mention that Edward lives only with his father? Well, he does. His mother died about 3 years ago. Their parents are now really close to each other and everyone is expecting them to end up together. Wouldn't it be cute?


You remember when my mum told me Lea was already waiting for us? Well, she wasn't. She had some issues with her make-up as well. 

Lea: "Laura, heyyy! I am so happy to see you." Lea started shouting when she opened the front door of their house and headed to our car. 

Laura: "Hi honey. Are you excited for the concert?"

Lea: "Yess omg! I am going to see Ryland. That's freaking awesome!"

Ellen: "Can you girls please shut up?" well, that's not actually what my mother said, but she wanted to say it.

We were talking about R5 plus Ryland the whole way to the concert. We couldn't believe that it's gonna be us, who's seeing them in just few hours. It was crazy. But then, something happened...

Laura: "The car crash! The freaking car crash! How can somebody be that irresponsible, that they ride so fast and hit the street lamp. Now we are late! What if they don't let us in? I think I am gonna cry."

To make it clear, there was a car crash on the road, so we had to wait until emergency and others came. Now we are about 30 minutes late for the meet and greet. That means, that we don't have the opportunity to talk to them. Just one picture, about 20 seconds spent with them and they are gone. Sure, there is a concert afterwards, but no talking, so many people, they won't even see us. I am sad. I paid so much for this, I wanted to ask them so many questions. I wanted to tell them how much they meant to me when I was younger. I grew up with them even if they didn't know it. Ugh

Ellen: "Calm down Laura. It's nobody's fault. Be grateful that it wasn't us, who ended up in that car crash. You could have been in that car where the mother of those kids died. Don't think just of yourself. Be kind, be grateful for what you have.

My mother is a wise woman. She's right. I love her.

After she said that, we were quiet for the rest of the ride and few minutes later, we got there. We were standing in front of the theater, where they were playing tonight. 

Security: "You are late, we can't let you in."

Ellen: "Please, it is not our fault. Let us in." said my mum and Mark, R5's, The Lynches father or however you want me to explain you who Mark is, came out of the tour bus, which I didn't even realise was right beside us. 

"Don't freak out. Laura! Don't freak out!" I kept saying to myself. It wasn't working. I was happy. Mark always seemed to be really a great person. I knew he was gonna let us in. And I was right. He didn't just let us in. He also helped us to get to them. To THEM! 

And there he was. That famous Ross Shor Lynch, the heart breaker of young women's hearts.

Hi guys, hope you're enjoying this story. Please let me know in the comments. Like, share and love each other. Peace out

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2019 ⏰

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