Wang Jiexi- Masquerade

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An hour or so passed after the event has started and everyone was having a good time. You mingled amongst the crowd and talked to new people and immediately became friends with them.

However, just then the host came back on the stage and announced cheerfully:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time to change things a bit. We've decided to add a new segment to the party. Something that will bring the much needed excitement back. It's the "Hunt the Mask" event. Everyone will be assigned a number and draw a number. The drawn number will be your target. For this event, we've reversed the rules, instead of punishing the ones that have seen the face underneath the masks, those that are able to take off their target's masks will be the one able to enact the punishment. 

However, the rules still apply to those that are not your target. If you take off the mask of someone who's not your target you will receive punishment. You've two hours. So, Ladies and Gentlemen good hunting and may you be able to find a good hiding spot. The event starts now!"

While the host was talking, the staff went around the room and clipped everyone a number on their clothes. You had your number and nervously looked around. Would you really be able to do it? The host said at the end you should find a good spot to hide, so as long as you could hide from your hunter it'd be fine.

You didn't want to be a hunter because what kind of punishment should you give? You weren't a damn sadist, so you didn't care for it. So, the only reasonable option was to hide until the two hours time limit passed.

Finally, one of the staff with the draw hat came to you and you pulled a number. 23. You examined the people closest to you and the ones you could see. If you knew how 23 looked like then you could stay away from them.

You wanted to hide your number but apparently, that wasn't allowed.

You walked around for a few minutes but weren't able to get any clue on this 23.

You decided to escape the hall to find a place to hide. The host didn't say you couldn't use the building and it seemed like the whole place was solely reserved for this event tonight.

In this large, magnificent building you walked for a while until on the fourth floor you found a room you were drawn too.

At first, you thought two hours were way too long but now that you noticed people could hide anywhere it was obvious two hours weren't enough.

Most people were very excited for this hunt, well they were the ones who wanted to have this unimaginable excitement of punishing someone in any way possible, and sometimes those punishments would go in a direction that of course humans would naturally crave for, this tremendous power of pleasure.

Once inside the room, a seemingly normal hotel room, you locked the door and lied on the sofa. For some reason, it was a wonderful feeling. You took off your mask, took off your shoes and just mooched around. Then while you were immersed in daydreaming, a door behind you clicked.

You immediately sat up and turned around only to come face to face with a half-naked male. It seemed like he just showered and came from the bathroom. His towel casually hung around his waist to hide his brazenness and then drops of water ran down his rather nice body.

For what felt like a long time you both just stared at each other, shocked, surprised and furiously trying to work out in your minds what could be done.

You were ready to jump up any second when he spoke: "Ah, you... that number. Seems like you're my target. How nice of you to walk into my arms like this."

Well, you weren't really in his arms but you hoped that you could be. No, no, no! You vehemently shook your head. You should escape yet you couldn't help but ask:

"Why are you here?"

"I should ask you the same. This is my room."

You jumped up, "You... you mean you booked this hotel room?"

He just nodded.

Damn, you cursed, out of all places! What were the chances?

"Then why didn't you lock it?"

"I was in a hurry. Just when the event began someone spilt their drink on me so I had to get changed."

"Makes sense."

My ass!

"Sorry for barging in like that. I should go," you weren't even able to take one step when he grabbed your hand and pulled you into his arms.

Well, that thought you had a few seconds ago? Yes, it came true.

"Did you forget the rules?"

"Wait, the rules said that you have to take off my mask. It's physical activity and-"

He picked up your mask form the ground, strapped it around your face and then took it off again.

"Here we go."

He really had the nerves!

"That doesn't- AH," you screamed as he swept you off the feet and actually walked into his bedroom.

His warm touch and strong arms melted away any thoughts of refusing.

"Since we have to whole night left, why don't we properly use it?"

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