Let her go

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(Still kim so hyun's POV)

I was a little wasted when i went home. At least i was able to drive myself home safely. I entered my unit and went straight to bed. My head was in pain, i cant remember how much did i drink up. It feels good to have a friend like ji hoo, even if he doesnt take me seriously at times. I find him very helpful during trying times. I fell asleep all at once.

I was awakened by an unfamiliar tone. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the time, its already 8 in the morning. The unfamiliar tone continued, then I realized its her phone in my pocket. I checked who was calling her early this morning. It says "my husband jun", I was startled and almost dropped the phone. The name she saved in her contacts gave me a stab on my chest. I dont understand why girls do such childish thing. I guess you're right I am jelous. He kept calling even if it was unanswered several times. Its becoming a nuisance i sulked her phone under my pillow to minimize the noise it producing. I stood up from bed and took a shower.

When I went out from the bathroom, the phone was no longer ringing. I picked up her phone to check. It wasnt my intention to invade her privacy. I had no choice but to keep her phone for now. I decided to look for lilly's number on her contacts, Ill just ask her PA to take the phone to its rightful owner. I swipe my thumb on the idle screen, it lighted up-- 16 missed calls from 'my husband jun'. Whoah thats a lot, i thought. I got a little curious, what could it be about. I shook my head, maybe he is just worried because his wife was not answering his calls. I smiled, how childish am i, i know.

I continued to her contact list and found lillys number when suddenly it rang. I was startled and accidentally tap the screen, i felt relieved when I realized it wasnt a call from jun sung or anyone else. I laughed at myself and paid attention back to the screen. My heartbeat was beating crazy. My eyes almost popped out when I realized I unintentionally opened the text message. I was too surprised when it rang a while ago and didnt realized what ive done.

"Ji hyun ssi, ive been calling you since last night. Ill be back in korea in 2 days.
Lets meet, I want to talk about our divorce..my family said you want to pursue it next year because of your carreer but I badly needed it as soon as posible. My girlfriend Kara demanded it from me, I cant let her down. I know, Im being selfish... Im sorry. This whole fixed marriage thing of my family had been a misery for you, hope that someday I can make it up to you. Please be happy, you deserve to be. Im still your friend no matter what. Call me when you can, Ill see in two days."

I almost dropped the phone on what I just read. It made my heart skipped a beat. What in the world did I just read? Lee jun sung, that heartless bastard, i thought. Now I understand everything, the reason for jihyun ssi tears. I never thought this is how complicated things are for her. It melted my heart, i suddenly felt the urge to comfort her and say its gonna be alright. But knowing her, its not really what she needs. She needs my understanding and her time alone to fix things up by herself. Until that time, im gonna watch her from afar and still love her every beat of my heart. I sighed and dialed lillys number with my phone.

I asked lilly to meet me at the coffee shop so i could hand ji hyun ssi phone to her. I put on a grey polo shirt, denim pants and sneakers. I tucked her phone in my pocket and went to the coffee shop. It was just a five minutes walk from my condo and the weather was good. I entered the shop with my eyes glancing to every person but lilly not here yet. I was surprised when i saw ji hyun ssi looking back at me. I thought I was hallucinating but its real, its her. I walked towards her table and greeted her trying to hide the tension.

"Sunbae youre here..." I said smiling at her.
"Im here to meet lilly.." We said in unison. Her jaw a little dropped in shock.
I occupied the vacant chair and said my side. I said I was going to meet lilly to give back her phone.

"I was thinking, it might be better if I gave her your phone so that you dont have to meet me this way. I know its getting uneasy. Im sorry for causing you troubles." I said sincerely. What i want right now is to hold her hands and whisper Ill never let her go but I cant do selfish things like that.

"Soo hyun ssi, what are you saying?" She asked.

"Ji hyun ssi.. No matter what happen i want you to be happy. Everything will be alright. I never regretted the day I met you, the moment I got to know you and the day i fell for you. In another life, i will still choose to meet you but not in this situation...hope to meet you in a time where i could freely love and took care of you without the world caving in..." I said. There was way too much I wanted to say but I realized I dont have to. Im just gonna keep all of it in my heart. I pulled the mobile phone in my pocket and put it on her hands.

"Thank you sunbae, il go now." I said holding back my tears.
I stood up and walked away, I intentionally didnt gave her the chance to say anything. I just wanted to let her know how much i love her and leave without knowing how she really feels. I guess im not ready for anything.

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