Chapter 05

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He watched Saint as he stood beautifully on his terrace. His hair and robe flowing gracefully against the dancing of the wind around him. Eyes and his ivory skin sparkling in reflection of the moon and stars that beautifies the night sky.

How could he content himself from just watching him like that from a far? Perth didn't exactly knew what the answer was. All he knew was that having Saint with him was enough.

"What exactly are you thinking?" He walk towards him, arms snaked around his slim waist wrapping him warmly in his embrace and lips kissing the skin on his exposed neck.

"Of all the pretty ladies and men I am sure been dying for your love, why me Perth?"

Perth smiled. To everyone, the answer to Saint's inquiry was so obvious. But not to the gorgeous boy of course. Pulling his almost shivering body even closer to him, inhaling the sweet strawberry scent of the bath soap the two of them shared a few moments ago he answered.

"Do I need to have a reason for that?"

"Yes, because you are Perth Tanapon and I am just Saint. I was the boy who was kept in an attic, away from everyone else, I was raised to believe that I was born to pay for my parent's debts and I was taught that everything in life equates to money. But I was confuse, I would never give up the feelings, my love for you even if they give me billions of golds. Never Perth.... but..... Why me? I was poor, ugly and dirty"

Saint's lips pursed forward to a pout. A gesture that only made the young man love him more. He turned him around and cupped his face. His soft fingers traced the softness of Saint's features. His soft cheeks, admiring the simplicity and innocence of the other boy's thoughts but loving the broadness of his love for him.

"You are my destiny Saint. You are the most beautiful and the purest creature I have ever seen. And like those fairy tales I fell in love with you at first sight, seeked for you like those of hunters in love, and will be willing to protect you like those of black knights. You are my version of Cinderella, and damn if I need to call myself a prince I will because you are the purest Saint that the prince is always destined to love. "

Perth's hand stroked his face and caressed his flushed cheeks. Gently wiping the tears which he hoped was caused by happiness. Resting his palms on Saint's neck, he stared at his beautiful brown orbs admitting that he have finally found his only weakness.

His Saint

Perth pulled his necklace and pulled out the ring out of the chain. Took his hand and slipped it back in his fourth finger

"I love you" He kissed him gently and pulled back. "To you, I will always be only Perth. No rank and definitely not a prince. Just a fool hoping to be always loved by you in return. You understand?" Perth kissed Saint's hand so gently.

Saint stared. Loving the man's gentleness towards him. Truly wondering what he had done to deserve someone like him.

"and I will always love you too Perth. I won't be able to love anyone else." Saint replied, now finding strength from the love Perth has been giving him. He leaned in and captured Perth's lips again this time savoring the warmth of the other's lips.

And just like a fairy tale, they will live happy ever after.

...or so they thought.

—The End—

[A/n additional chapter will be posted. I decided to write additional one not included on the original version of this fic. Because.... I just felt like it. PerthSaint romance isn't complete without some loving loving don't you think so? . LOL will be back soon. follow me pls,  ]

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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