The Time of Angels (Part 2)

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"The hyperdrive would've split on impact. That whole ship's going to be flooded with drive burn radiation, cracked electrons, gravity storms. Deadly to almost any living thing."

"Deadly to an Angel?"

"Dinner to an Angel."

"The longer we leave it there, the stronger it will grow. Who built that temple? Are they still around?"

"The Aplans. Indigenous life form. They died out for hundred years ago."

"Two hundred years later, the planet was terraformed. Currently there are six billion human colonists."

"Whoo! You lot, you're everywhere. You're like rabbits. I'll never get done saving you."

I try to get all the fear out of me, but the voices around me aren't helping. I hear them speak, but can no longer distinguish between who is speaking. I get more nervous as they move along their conversation. I try to take it all in, but it just gets confused with the fear inside my head.

"Sir, if there is a clear and present danger to the local population."

"Oh there is."

"Bad as it gets. Bishop, lock and load."

"Verger, how are we doing with those explosives? Doctor song with me."

"Two minutes. Sweetie, I need you."

That snaps me out of my scared faze. I look up at River who is pointing at the doctor.


I laugh at his reaction.

"Stay safe," River says to us, before adding, "Or come with us."

Amy and Lilliana get up to leave as I mumble, "I think I'm gonna stay."

River places a hand on my shoulder and smiles before leaving with the doctor, Amy and Lilliana.

I look at the monitor and notice that the Angel has changed positions. There must be more than one clip. I watch the time flick through the four seconds and every time it changes back to the start of the clip, the angel changes position. It starts to move closer and I start to panic. I know this is not supposed to be happening, but I can't bring myself to ask for help. Then I hear a click and notice the door is closed suddenly. I move my way slowly over to the door, still keeping an eye on the angel and turn the knob. It doesn't move.

I grab the remote, trying to turn it off, but it just switches on again. I feel a lump in my throat and I can't speak. The angel gets closer and closer to the camera and it's mouth starts to open. I whimper softly and crouch on the ground near the door, but I can't seem to drag my eyes away from the Angel. Then I look away, but when I look back I find the Angel in the room next to me.

"River," I scream in utter terror.

I hear footsteps and the doorknob rattle a few times.

"Aurelia," the doctor calls.

I stare at the Angel in utter shock, not daring to blink.

"Aurelia," River's voice calls, "What's happening. The door's locked. We can't get it."

I couldn't get the words out of my mouth.

"Aurelia, calm down," she says to me through the door, then speaks to the doctor, "She's having a panic attack. Anxiety."

I managed to get the words out and I yell, "It's in the room. It came out of the television. Help!"

I brought my knees up to my chest and found myself no longer scared to call for help.

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