2010 (6 years)

28 2 0


I stumble blindly along the stone pathway, terrified. I couldn't find them. My parents had gone. Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I moved further up the road. The stones stabbed into my bare feet and I tripped. I roll onto my back and press one hand to my bleeding knee, stopping the flow. I rip a strip off my skirt and tie it frantically around the cut. I slowly crawl back to my feet, determined to keep moving. I had to find them. My parents can't be gone. I need them. I look left and right, trying to find them in the crowd of strangers. Each of them were staring ahead firmly, not noticing me. I was too short, for them to care. I turned around and saw another growing crowd of people coming up the hill behind me. I move faster, but they were gaining on me. I knew they would trample me. A poor girl, who didn't have any family left. As they got closer, I tried to yell, but my voice wouldn't make a sound. I had forgotten. I couldn't tell people to notice me. I was too silent

I was hopeless by that point. I thought there was no point of going on. No parents and I wasn't fast enough to move before the people got me. I knelt down on the pathway, closing my eyes. I dragged my legs into my body and lent my head on my knees. I started to sob, silent sobbing.


I ran along, holding my sonic screwdriver in front of me. I was trying to locate my Tardis, which had dematerialised somewhere. I looked around at the running people, a sadness running through my veins. I couldn't help them. No matter how much trouble they were in. This was a fixed point in time. I kept running, but slower this time, surveying my surroundings carefully. I ignored the beeping of my screwdriver. I slowed to a stop. thousands of innocents lost and I could save them. I shake my head angrily. No. Fixed point in time. Paradox. Blah Blah Blah. I looked back at the people. And that's when I noticed her. Sitting on the floor, amidst the running people. A small girl, crying silently. Then I looked to her right and saw the oncoming group of people.

"Oh." I whispered to myself softly.

Without thinking of the consequences I rushed forward and grabbed her, pulling her into my arms, out of reach from the people's legs cascading down on the road.

 I carry her over to a bench and set her down on it. She looks at me with beautiful brown eyes and smiled.


I looked into the wise eyes of my rescuer. He smiles at me and I couldn't help but smile back. I reach forward and tug at his bow tie, my actions saying What are you wearing?

"It's a bow tie. Bow ties are cool," he says indignantly, pulling my hand away from his tie.

"What's your name."

I frown at him. I reach inside my coat pocket and take out a set of cards. Flicking through them, I select the one that says, I am Lilliana, and show it to him.

He picks the card up and read it. I hand him another.

"You can't speak."

I shake my head and he hands the cards back to me.

"Well, Lilliana, Let's go find your parents."

I shake my head again. I could feel it. They were gone.

"They've gone haven't they," he whispers kindly to me.

I feel the tears falling down my face again and he wipes them away with his thumb.

The lost girl (eleventh doctor, doctor who)Where stories live. Discover now