Busted-Chapter Eleven

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Hey, hey, hey. First of all. I AM SOOOOOOOOOO SOOOOOOOOOO BLOOOOODYYYY SORRY. :( I AMMM SUCH A BAD PERSONNNN DON'T HATE MEEEE!!!! Erm, yes. I am so sorry. I haven't had any time to upload just to write a little bit, on a day or another. And this chapter was only ten pages on Word, so I was like: I'll just put all of it. You guys deserve it!! So yea, I wanted to uplaod on Wednesday. Of course, that the day Wattpad decided not to work.


Spread the loveeee!!!!! Vote and share my story :D :D and of course comment to let me know what you think!! :D :D

Ahhh I talk to much!!! Here you go!! :O :O


Love, EpicOreo

Chapter Eleven

Well, my life is back to normal... If I can say shitty...Can I say shitty?

Noah and I aren't hanging out as much as the past few weeks, before Patrick and Jessica's accident. It had been 4 months since that night. But at least both of them were doing really fine. You're probably wondering why I find my life shitty. Well you see when your friend's little brother happens to be your little sister's ex... Let's just say life isn't.... really... Well the most enjoyable life on earth. Lots of awkward moments... Definitely.

Yea, between all of Jessica's mood swings and school work, well I barely have enough time to focus on hanging out as much as I want to with Noah. But on the bright side... Wait... there's no bright side to my life... Apart from hanging out with Taylor, who is officially madly in love with Dave...?  They would make a really cute couple... But he still hasn't asked her out yet... 4 months and still nothing? I wanted to slap the crap out of him. You would say violent much... Well no.... Just to wake him up a little and make him realise that the perfect girl for him is right there!! I could totally see them getting married and having kids...

And, Jessica... Well as much as I love her. I think she's being really stupid and stubborn.... Like honestly Gabriel is the sweetest little kid I've ever met! He would never cheat on her. If she hadn't been so stupid it would have been their one year anniversary. Ughh!! I hate to think that they have been together for 6 months and she ruined all of it.... In only a few days...

Every time I go by Noah's house to hang out with him, Gabriel is either in his room, just staring at some point on the walls, or zoned out in the garden... It's so sad... He doesn't seem as happy as before but he always asks me about Jessica. Isn't that sweet? After the girl broke his heart he still cares about her. And I can see that Jessica still cares about him too but her stubborn brain pushes all of her good sense away. If she ever had any…

I was lying on Noah's bed while he was getting us some drinks downstairs. I heard footsteps and sat up straight in Noah's bed.

''Thxs for the drink Noah-'' Not Noah. ''Oh. Hey Gabriel.'' I gave him a small smile and patted the empty place next to me. He just nodded and walked to Noah's bed.

''So... How are you feeling?'' I asked him gently.

''Huh.... Like shit.'' He chuckled lightly.

''You have to do something; seriously, you can't stay like that forever...''

''I don't think it's a good idea... How is Jessica doing?''

''Huh... Fine apart from all of the mood swings.''

He nodded. ''Good to know... good to know...''

''I'm serious you know.''

''About what?''

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