It's not symmetrical...

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It isn't even... One poster in the entire classroom was seemingly tilted slightly to the left. It wasn't aligned to the ground. Of course it could have been his imagination. It has happened before. Kid lightly groaned. He couldn't take it anymore. Liz, who sat next to him, couldn't help but smile. If he tried to fix that poster he would lose the bet. The bet was made during a game of basketball in which Kid lost. Now, if he tried to make anything symmetrical for the next day he had to move everything in his house a couple of inches to the right.
Kid straightened the broach around his neck. His hand shot up.

"Miss Marie? I would like to be excused to go to the restroom." He announced. A woman with long auburn hair and an eye patch smiled.

"Go ahead Kid." She said. Kid quickly rushed out the door as his friends snickered at his misfortune. Kid quickly rushed into the hall, his footsteps quiet yet rushed.

"Damn. I wouldn't have lost that game if I hadn't been paired with Maka and Patty." In his aggravated state he didn't realize that someone was in his direct path. And that person wasn't paying attention either. A moment later Kid and the stranger collided.
Kid laid there on his back for a moment.

"I'm garbage! I can't win a basketball game and now I'm running into people!" He yells. He quickly sat up to assess the damage. Books lay scattered across the floor and a girl whose face was covered by a curtain of white hair was on her knees scrambling to pick them all up.

Kid composed himself. "My apologies. Can I help?"

She curtly nodded her head. "Yes, thank you." Her voice was oddly breathless and barely rose above a whisper. Kid took note of all the books. Seven in total. He internally cringed at the number seven.

"Why do you need so many books?" He asked.

"Oh? These are just books that people have kept past their due date. I just round them all up for the librarian for some extra credit." Kid handed her a few books. Her hands swiftly grabbed the books as she stood up. One leg buckled for a moment but she quickly caught herself.

"Are you hurt?" Her face still concealed by her long hair shook left to right vehemently.

"Don't worry, my leg got hurt earlier. You didn't do it." She explained. "Listen, I have to go. It was nice running into you." With that the girl rushed off before Kid could say anything else.

"Hmph. Well that was strange." He muttered.


Ara had a throbbing pain in her leg and literally running into someone didn't help it at all. She shouldn't have been running around the school with her injury but she was and nothing would stop her.

"But perhaps I should take a break and rest." Ara said to herself as she shelved the last book. Working in the library was an enjoyable pastime for her and she did it frequently.

The injured girl promptly took a seat at the nearest table and gingerly touched her leg. Through her jeans it was apparent that there was a thick bandage wrapped around her calf. The bandage felt sticky and damp. She'd have to change it later but for now she'd rest it. She couldn't help but to let her mind wander to the boy she ran into in the hall. She felt a twinge of annoyance. She had just started becoming used to the aching pain in her leg and he just had to appear. She twisted her white hair in thought and sighed.

"I suppose it was my fault too." An inkling of guilt crept into her chest. She groaned. "Great, now I need to apologise." This was going to be hard for her. Ara didn't like talking to people and she didn't like apologising. She didn't even know the person she ran into so finding him was going to be a lot of work. "This is just perfect." She muttered sarcastically.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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