I went back inside the house.

"Jaeun, I will enrol you into a school tomorrow. You want to go tomorrow or the day after?"

"Hmmm.. tomorrow will do."

"Alright. Go and take a rest after finish eating. The maid will do the cleaning and we will have a busy day tomorrow." I nod my head.

I went into my dreamland again.

I saw my mum standing at the end. She is floating towards me. 'Mum' I shouted.

'Jaeun, you will end up with another guy. I know mark left you. But there will be another guy who will change your views for love. Yes, I know about your relationship with mark. He is a jerk, mum knows. But anyway, this guy will help you throughout your life. He is the one.'

'Mum, who is it? Is he an angel? You sent him to me right?' I asked her.

But my mum is already at the end, waving at me and she disappeared. Suddenly I heard someone calling my name. I turn around and saw this guy. He is tall. I can't see his face clearly but I heard some screams from girls.

'Oppa... oppa' is all I heard.

And, I woke up. What does oppas mean? Why is mum telling me these things? What does all this mean?

I realised I slept through the whole night. I checked the time and it is 7.38am already. I went to wash up and went downstairs.

"Good morning jaeun!"

"Ah. Good morning Auntie! I slept through the whole night. I must be very tired."

"Yes, of course you are tired.
Come have your breakfast."

"After eating breakfast, we will go shopping and then enrol you into your new school." Auntie said.

"Yay, shopping. Which school am I going to?" I asked, pretty excited.

"Last night when you are asleep, I researched online for the good schools in Korea. It is Seoul Academy of performing arts. This school is pretty near our house too. This school is for people who loves dancing, singing. I heard from your mother that you love singing a lot."

"Oh, I see. Yeah. I really love singing."

After eating, I went back my room. I realised I am too tired and only packed some of my belongings. I took out the last photo I had with my family. I placed it at the side table beside my bed. I look at it for a long time.

Then I went to pick an outfit for later and went to shower.

"Auntie, I'm ready. We can set off already."


Auntie went to the garage and drive the car out. I get in.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Myeongdeong street. The shopping mall there has a lot of things for sale. We will go there to get some new clothes for you."

"Ah.. ok. Thank you Auntie." She smiled at me.

When we reached the shopping mall, there are many people of all ages. We go into a shoe shop. I saw a pair of high cut sneaker in maroon colour and it is very nice. I kept looking at it.

"Jaeun, this is the one you want right?"

"Huh? err.. Yes."

"What is your size?"


Then Auntie speak in Korean to the lady beside us. I think she is asking her to take my size out to try.  I tried on and it fits. Auntie then said she will buy it for me. I thank her. After that we proceed to a shirt shop.

*sehun thought*

Isn't that the girl in the airport?

"Hello?" she said

"Erm. Hello."

"What do you want again?"

"Where are you now?"

"Home. Why?"

Hahah. It is so obvious she is lying. The background is so noisy.

"Sure? Then why is the background so noisy?"

"Oh I am watching the television."

"Really? Oh that shirt doesn't suit you." and I hang up.


"What? How can you?" then the phone call ends.

How does he know what I am doing? I turn around to see if he is anywhere near.

"Who are you looking for?" Auntie asked me.

"Huh... ah no one."

*sehun thoughts*

Hahahah. Finding for me huh? I went to hide behind a mannequin. I peep and she can't find me. She kept looking around. Since I don't want to go back to sm building so early, I will follow her then.


I continue to shop for new clothes. I have a feeling that someone is following me. But whenever I turn around, I see no one. After shopping, I went to the school. Auntie spoke to the principal in Korean. Luckily the principal knows how to speak in English. The principal ask me to fill up my particulars and I can report the day after. After that, Auntie and I went to purchase my uniform. The uniform colour is so nice, it is navy blue

Then we went home.

*sehun thoughts*

Oh my God. Why did she go into the same school as me? What if I have to keep acting cold towards her?

Destiny with sehunحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن