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Hello, welcome to my first omegverse! That picture up there is a reference to Carla! Don't worry her appearance will change dramatically! So without further ado here is the story!!!

3rd Person POV

"She is Beta right?" Ruth Lane asked her friend Zacharias Larionov.

"I don't think so I thought she was an omega." He replied in his thick Russian accent.

They watched as she walked down the hall, she had no trail of scent on her. They had looked at physical features for a clue, but they were to no avail. All the girl wore were baggy pants and hoodies. No signs of muscle or soft skin. The only things that anyone had seen of the girl were her face, hands and maybe! Her ankles.

"I don't know, but we have to get to class see you at the packhouse," Ruth said as she said goodbye to her friend.

"Bye see you!"

Who was this girl that everyone seemed to be talking about, you may be asking. Why that was Carla Buckingham Rodriguez. The girl with no scent. It was unusual everyone had a scent, but Carla, on the other hand, had nothing on her she was like an average human? Nevertheless, she has attended Jeremiah Alcindor High School for Werewolves? Well anyway, let us see what Carla is up to.

Carla was at her locker getting some textbooks.


Carla slammed her locker shut.

"Oh, my moon goddess! Don't scare me!" Carla was said she regained her breath.

"Hi, Carla how are you?"

"I'm pretty okay Chase," She said as she ruffled her best friend's blonde hair.

"Stop!" He said as he playfully pushed her away.

"Fine, fine,"

"Hey did you do your math homework?" Chase asked nervously.

"Okay, where is it?" She asked.

"Oh my god thank you, Carly, you are a lifesaver!" He said as he passed the sheet of paper to her.

"Come on Chase this is easy!" She stressed as she filled out the paper quickly.

"It is not!"

"Yeah, Chase it is easy if you actually listened instead of flirting with your mate!" She gently teased. As they walked to their first class.

"Carla shut your mouth!" He said bluntly as he blushed furiously.

"Okay, okay three of them are wrong numbers 3, 9 and 17."

"Can I ask why again?"

"So that the teacher doesn't think much of it."

''Oh oh okay!"

They walked into their class and took their seats.


Carla's POV

I had barely completed the class and was heading out. I walked out of the school but felt my hoodie being pulled back.

"What the everlasting hell?!" I asked as I was pinned against a hard wall.

"Carla Buckingham Rodriguez, are you merely an omega?"

Ugh, it was James Pung. The big "alpha" of the school.

"No," I plainly said.

"So an alpha?"


"Finally got it, you a beta?"


"So you're a human?"


"In that case what are you?"

I was done with him for today. I jerked my hands down quickly and placed them on his shoulder my face inches from his face, but I leaned into his ear. I took a deep sniff of his scent. Beta. Just like I expected.

"How long are you planning to act like your not a beta?" I whispered into his ear slowly.

"What" He quickly pushed me off of him."What the fuck how did you know?!"

"God you are an idiot,"

"Hey, don-"

I pinned him to the wall in seconds.

"Remember to wear more alpha masker next time, don't ask me my gender again and no one finds out what you are, okay?"


I turned around and started walking home after sprayed myself with some scent blocker that is. I got to my house with no causalities.

"Hey Ma," I said as I dropped my backpack next to my front door. And walked over to my room and promptly threw my hoodie, scarf, and bra in a corner and threw away the patch on my wrist. I instinctively took a wipe and ran it over my neck.

"Hi baby," I walked up to my Ma and willingly gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Do you need help with anything?" I politely asked.

She was carefully preparing some homemade soup. So I wanted to ask her if she needed help with making it.

"Yeah, Maija can you get me a can of tomato sauce and carefully open it, oh and I need to talk to you after!"

She needs to speak to me.

Oh god, I'm dead.

"Sure mom," I said as I walked over.

I walked over to the counter and got a can, then walked over to the drawer with all the cooking shit and took out the can opener. I uncovered it and delivered it to her.

"Thanks," she said as she handed it back to me. I filled it with water shook it a little and hands it back to her. Ultimately, she gave it to me one last time before I pushed the lid inside the can and hurled it into the trash can.

I sat down and started nervously looking at something on Instagram. I looked up and placed my phone on the table when I heard my mom pull up a chair next to me.

"What happened, mom?" I asked anxiously feeling my stomach twist into knots.

She sighed wearily and pulled out a box from under the table. She poured all the items on the table. Bottles of spray, patches, pills, soap, candles, and many more things. But they had one thing in common.... they were all scent blockers, my scent blockers. 

"Carla, mhija it's your 18th birthday tomorrow and you know what that means," She sighed softly. 

Oh my god. It is my 18th birthday tomorrow. How could I forget?! I'm going to meet my mate. I'm going to meet my mate?!  

"Yeah.." I said while looking at the ground. 

"Your scent is the most important thing on your 18th birthday. You know this very well Carla so that why I took all you scent blocking items. I know your gonna hate me for this but you're wearing regular clothes too. I will not see you in baggy pants and a hoodie tomorrow."  

 I sighed knowing that there was no way of getting out of this.

"Yes, mom"

"Oh and take a shower and scrub the hell out of yourself with this." She said as she tossed me a bottle of soap.




The label read. I signed knowing that the one secret I was able to keep for more than 10 years would be out by tomorrow. I took it and walked to my bathroom. 

I took off my clothes and turned on my shower. I looked in the mirror and let my hair down I saw steam slowly raise out of the shower I sighed and took the soap and stepped in the shower. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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