Part 3. The Beholder

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Chapter 3.1  Shredded wheat

Sedna uploaded her drone's view of the tablet to the Coon Island QAR system, so it would be available for viewing to everyone there. Sedna went to see Ray and let him know they were back. Newt got on the link to Houston to let Frogo and the gang know what they'd learned.

Then they went to the kitchen to grab some dinner. While they were there they told everyone about Sedna's translation, and the Annunaki connection. The general agreement was to meet in the lounge later to see the drone's image of the tablet, and get Sedna to read it to them. She said she could use some help guessing where the "better tunnel" might be.

So Ray brought the image up on the big screen, and Sedna told them about her translating.

"The way this works," she said, "Is that I look at the stone and let it talk to me. All my recent exposure to related ideas in the Q helped. Like seeing the similarity in alignment between the montes on Mars and the pyramids in Giza.

"That got me connected well enough that when I saw the real stone it spoke to me. I was in a place where it was easy to believe the same people who wrote on this stone on Mars wrote cuneiform tablets on Earth. I had awakened enough of my own Q links that I could know what it says.

"So it wasn't a laborious deciphering task for me. More like when you allow yourself to get lost between the covers of a book. I suspect most scholars who translate old writing do the same thing, even if they won't admit it."

Some wanted to know about the pyramid alignments, and Ray showed them Sedna's drone images of that. There were some ooh's and ahh's and a few comments. But those speakers were quickly overridden by others who wanted to cut to the chase.

He brought up the image of the stone.

There was a moment of stunned silence.

Someone whispered sheepishly, "Did that really come from Mars?"

Someone else said, "That ain't no shredded wheat."

That broke the ice. Chuckles echoed around the room.

"You can read that, Sedna?"

It was her turn to chuckle. "Not exactly. It's like I said. You know how you can look at a whole paragraph in a book and know what it says, and move on. But a minute later you couldn't quote any of it exactly? It's more like that. So I know it says there's a better tunnel, but I don't know where it is. I don't have any points of reference to find it."

Tengri spoke up. "This is where reading an unfamiliar language really does become deciphering. It's a puzzle. And we need to solve it."

Sedna agreed. "Otherwise it might as well be shredded wheat."

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