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You walk
Your legs tremble as you climb the slope
"I'm almost there, the top of the tallest hill, then I will be happy."
You tell yourself
Over and over

You reach with your arm
To grab the top of the hill
And pull yourself up
"I've done it!"
You cry, no nobody and nothing

You're alone
Who to share your success with?
You stare at the mountain in front of you
It towers above all the hills you've climbed in the past

There is no end
No success
No happiness

Your feat was not what it seemed
Yet you fear turning back
To see the disappointed faces behind you
If you do not climb this next one
And the next
And the next

No end
No success
No happiness

You climb out of fear
Not out of motivation

Not everything is what it seems
Huge successes
Are tiny

Happiness that feels like it could last you a lifetime
Is momentary

There is no end
No success
No happiness

5 Poems of the Mental WeightsWhere stories live. Discover now