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Your steps echo
Water drips all around you
You can barely see

You walk in a cave
Through the tunnels of life
The passageways of destiny

One wrong turn
And you could be lost
Never able to get back on track

You could reach a dead end
Become trapped
And waste away, alone

Steps sound behind you
And you whirl to face your follower
But see only overwhelming darkness

You cannot turn back
And so you keep going
Hoping it was only your own echo

You blink
And scream
At what you see

Eyes staring at you
All around
Watching your every move

They engulf you
Their piercing gazes
Filled with a ravenous hunger

You crumble into yourself
And sink to the floor
Scared to look into those eyes

You feel a tap on your shoulder
And look to see who did it

Nobody helps you to your feet
Holding you to keep you steady
And turns you to face the eyes

They're gone
All of them
Or were they never there?

You look Nobody in the face
And see the piercing eyes
All of them

Nobody was watching you
Or was it your imagination?
Are you alone?

You'll never know
They keep out of sight
The eyes

They're always watching
Seeing everything
Judging you eternally

5 Poems of the Mental WeightsWhere stories live. Discover now