Pic 106: TMNT oc, Sukēru

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This is Sukēru guys! He's a combo of a bog turtle and a king cobra (i didn't have the right green for a bog turtle so yeah),and his name in japanese means "scales". He's 16 years old and he was born in the kraang lab while the shredder was around. He was a bog turtle which is critically endangered, but taken by the shredder and experimented on so he could be another lackie for the foot clan. When the shredder tried to recruite him to join the foot he refused, as he had heard about the turtles and thought it was wrong what shredder was doing.

He later broke out of his cell and escaped into new york and found himself staying in an abandoned warehouse. He then had heard a fight going on and saw the turtles fighting the foot clan kraang robots and decided to help them.

He loves reading and spending time with the turtles and april, also eating pizza gioza, pizza and some times worms and sewege rats he finds on patrol with the turtles.

He absolutely hates loud noises and cold places, he also dislikes the kraang, the foot clan and the shredder(no surprise there). He's scared he'll one day be back in a confined cage and be made to fight the turtles who have now become his close friends almost family to him.

Enjoy everyone! 

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