Alby, a [Petty] Intellectual

Start from the beginning

For some reason, she didn't seem to like me anymore.

I went into class with the intent of getting onto Rana's good side again. I entered and immediately Rana glared at me, completely looking in the opposite direction.

Someone was holding a grudge. Maybe I should give her a lesson on how to forgive and forget.

Class was normal. Rana talked and half of the students listened while others zoned out. I eventually got bored as well and started fidgeting with the deck of cards I had in my pocket. I shuffled them unconsciously, not realizing how loud I was being.

I was snapped back into reality to have Rana looking down at me with pure distaste. She didn't even say anything. She took my cards right out of my hand. Don't you think I at least deserved a warning!? I didn't know I was being disruptive!

She didn't even give them back to me at the end of class! That's technically stolen property!  This calls for action. This calls for war.

I may not be evil, but I'm sure as hell petty.

Meaning I went to town and bought ten more decks of cards, stuffing them into my sweater and jean pockets for the next day.

I strutted in the following morning with determination and a goal. I sat down like usual and waited for Rana to begin her lecture.

I pulled out a singular deck of cards about a minute after she started to speak. I purposely started shuffling it as loud as I possibly could, daring her to come and take it away from me.

Her shoulders stiffened and then she turned to face me. She calmly walked up to my desk and snatched the cards out of my hands, placing them on her desk before returning to her teaching. She was doing good at keeping her cool, but that's not entertaining.

I sat there for exactly one minute, watching the clock and then I slowly pulled a second deck of cards out of my pocket. Vane covered his laughs with a cough as I once again began to shuffle them.

She whipped around and this time stomped over to my desk. Her eerie calm was long gone.

She ripped it out of my grasp. "Give me all of the cards you have on you," she demanded.

I feigned resentment, pulling out four decks out of my back jean pockets and two from my front pockets and placing them on the desk. Doing everything within me not to break and laugh in her face. Rana picked them all up and slammed them into her desk drawers.

She gritted between her teeth, trying and failing to pull herself together to teach again. The other students snickered at the sight.

You may have noticed that she had only taken eight decks at this point and I came to school armed with ten. If you think I would stop now you are highly mistaken. Vengeance burns hot in my heart.

I'm very particular and wait precisely another minute. I felt around for the last two decks and removed another one. The diviners either looked at me with plain admiration or one of superior stupidity. And guess what?

I shuffled that too.

"Alby, I swear I'm going to kick you out of this class for good," Rana took my cards and basically thew them into the trash can. "I have never been so disrespected in my entire life!" Her face was flushed red. "Is this the last deck?" she asked, enunciating each word.


She put out a long breath before returning to her place in front of the board.

Now at this moment, the intelligent thing to do would have been stopping while I was ahead. I already got my revenge, after all. I should have been satisfied.

But I'm not. If I'm going to get in trouble, I'm going full out.

Which is why I ever so carefully pulled out the last deck of cards. My classmates couldn't contain themselves any longer and burst into a fit of laughter before I had a chance to shuffle them.

Rana was like a mad woman that belonged in a psycho institution barreling towards me.

"That's it! I don't want to see your face in this class ever again!"  She shouted for all of the world to hear. "Get out!"

Vane and Blaze were howling with laughter and Bruce was wheezing, gasping for air. Avon even slipped a smile. All of this together broke any ounce of sanity left in Rana. She cussed at me all the way out the door.

"You're a fuckass little bitch," she seethed, "I wish your dad had worn a condom."

She slammed the door in my face.

I stared at the door a mere two inches from my face. The corners of my mouth twitched. And then I began to smile.

"Totally worth it." I grinned.

There's a special place in hell for demons like me.


Okay so Alby hasn't technically been introduced in the book yet, so y'all are probably confused as hell

Long story short: fuckass demon whore

And I mean that in the most endearing way possible because I admire him

Anyways, hope you enjoyed

Chapter by: BlazeDrazon
Dedicated to: avior-etc bc she made Alby's character

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2019 ⏰

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