★ | 018. bonding time

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Book: Charity Case, Original Story
Chapter 18: Bonding Time
Word Count: 1128

"What is that smell?" Was what first came out of Alec's mouth when he walked into the kitchen

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"What is that smell?" Was what first came out of Alec's mouth when he walked into the kitchen. He noticed John standing in front of the stove with a frustrated look on his face.

John slowly turned to look at him. "It's our dinner. Now don't complain. I'm not used to cooking this rabbit food." He mumbled towards the end before looking back at the cooking food.

"It's can't be that bad." Alec walked over and took a look, his optimism dying down when he noticed most of the food was burnt and there was smoke coming from it. Alec cleared his throat and stepped back. "Yeah, there's no saving that and there's no way I'm eating it."

"You will be eating it. I've been slaving in this kitchen and it's not going to waste." He pointed the spoon towards the younger boy.

Alec rolled his eyes dramatically and opened the fridge, getting out a drink. He could hopefully mask the taste of dinner by taking a drink every time he ate some food. He knew this wasn't going to taste good. He appreciated John for trying but the man really can't cook and shouldn't attempt to. "Maybe you're trying to poison me. This is your masterful plan to get rid of me."

"That's right. You've caught me." John said sarcastically. "I guess I'll be poisoning us both because I'm eating it to."

Alec laughed and went into the living room, waiting for dinner. It was ready not to long after and John brought out two plates, placing one in front of Alec and the other in front of himself. The teenager grimaced as he stared at it. It was some concoction of health foods. He picked up his fork and poked one of the green things. What in the world is this? He stabbed his fork into it and brought it up to his mouth.

"Yeah, I can't do this." John grumbled and spat the food back out. "That's the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted."

Alec quickly took the fork back out of his mouth. "Does that mean you're not going to force me to eat this?"

"Yes, you baby." John huffed and picked the plates back up. "I'm throwing this shit out. Let's just go to the diner down the road."

Alec cheered and jumped up.

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With a steak meal in front of him, Alec was much more happier then he had been an hour ago. Thank god John has come to his senses. Besides, he had a salad on his plate so it's not like he wasn't eating healthy at all.

"By the way, if you're going to have Ethan sneaking over, you could be a little craftier about it." John said casually. Alec coughed on his food in shock. "I mean, I get it. Teenage angst and all that but I ain't lying to Pierce for you. So I'm going to pretend I don't know anything for now but if I find out again, I'm telling me. Got it?"

Alec narrowed his eyes in confusion. "Why not just tell him now?"

"Believe it or not, Alec but I don't like being the bad guy and I don't think it's right to keep you two apart. I'm more than happy to let him come over but Pierce is a good friend of mine and I don't like lying to him."

"I'm... I'm sorry. I thought we were being sneaky." Alec sighed and put his fork down, suddenly no longer hungry. "I'll tell Ethan to stop coming over. I don't want him to get into any more trouble because of me."

"I didn't say he couldn't come over. I just said be sneakier about it." John chuckled at him. "Now, eat your dinner. You need to put a little meat on your bones."

"Um, I'm actually really fit." Alec looked down at his own body before glancing over at John. "Can't say the same for you." He whispered in amusement.

"I heard that you little shit. I'm perfect the way I am." John said, patting his large stomach. "And careful what you say. Maybe your words will make me want to go on a 6 am run and if that happens you'll be coming with me."

"Okay, okay. You're perfect the way you are." He said with a grin. Since being in a happier mood his appetite came back and he went back to eating his dinner.

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After dinner had finished, the two were making their way back home. Home. Alec couldn't call it that. He was back in the stage where it was just a house until Pierce found him a knew one.

"You've gone quiet. What's on your mind, kid?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing. I'm just thinking about what my new place is gonna look like." He said, keeping his eyes out the window.

"New place? You sick of me already?" John made a joke though he could see the topic weighed heavy on the teenagers shoulders. He pursed his lips and looked back out onto the road. "Don't think so negatively. You ain't leaving for a while."

"But I will be leaving eventually. You don't have to try and make me feel better." Alec said. "I'm used to it by now, old man. I'm sure the next place won't be too bad." Flashes on previous places moved through his head and he closed his eyes, trying to push them back.

Join stayed silent for a few minutes, driving through the dark, empty streets. "Don't think about that for right now. We've had a great dinner and laugh. You're having a good night. You're thoughts are what's going to ruin it."

"I'm not ruining my night. I'm always thinking about this. Besides, it's better this way. If I keep reminding myself that I'm leaving, I won't get comfortable and be upset when I have to go." Alec said. "Like I said, I'm used to it. I can deal."

"You shouldn't have to deal." John whispered to himself.

"Some kids draw the short straw. That kid was me."

The rest of the drive home was spent in silence. Alec letting his mind run wild with negative thoughts and John feeling guilt eat away at him that this kid would have to be sent away when all he deserved was a stable home where he didn't have to worry all the time.

"Let your mind rest. Everything is going to be okay."

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Authors Note: See below!

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Consider supporting me on Patreon and/or following me on YouTube 💕 Links in my bio.

This chapter was spent building up a relationship between Alec and John. I really enjoyed writing it and I hoped you liked it.

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