"Hey now, trust me, I would take sleeping at his, with that nice comfy sweatshirt, over sleeping at the party last night any day, and you would too if you knew what I'd woken up to" Miles replied with a shudder. "Both of us were too drunk to leave, guys kept trying to take you upstairs, and he offered to take you home, so I told him sure."

"Miles," I whined, shoving at his shoulder again as he pulled up to my house.

"What? You've gone home with him enough times, and he never tries anything... and yet you always leave before he wakes up in the morning and then ignore his texts." Miles said, looking at me inquisitively.

I stayed silent, instead reaching over to press a big fat kiss against his cheek. "Thanks for driving me home."

He chuckled, accepting my change of subject and wrapping his arm around me in a side hug. "Anytime, love you Hal, see you at work in an hour."

With that, I got out of his car and walked inside. My mom was already up and unfazed at my arrival. It was a perk of beach life and having a strong bond of trust with your parents, well, parent. Plus, my mom always said I could never be as bad as Jace was when he was my age, so she gave me lots of freedom as long as I made sure to let her know where I was and be safe.

"Hallie, the Cox family is coming to stay with us this summer." My mom told me, though as the words passed through my mind, I barely registered them as I was climbing up on the counter to reach the cereal in the cabinets.

Once I did realize however, choking and sputtering on my words was all I could do not to fall off, "What? Why? All of them?" I asked.

The Cox family had two children. One was an angel named Jill who was just about to be a freshman in high school, and the other not so angel was named Mitchell.

Mitchell was about to be a senior in high school, therefore one year younger and last time I saw him, two inches shorter. We were close. I considered him my best friend at one point.

"Mom, you can't be serious," I added.

"I am, you know they're family friends, and maybe you and Mitchell can make up." She replied with a grin.

"Ugh mom, don't say his name." I groaned and she decided to mess with me.

"Mitchell! Mitchell! Mitchell, Mitchell, Mitchell!" She sang.

I groaned very unattractively. "He's a jerk."

"Hallie, he was a freshman when you left. He was immature, and he didn't know how to handle you leaving." My mom replied, sympathizing with him, leaving me wondering whose side she was truly on.

"I told him I was leaving and he said 'that sucks', and that's the last memory I have of him. Forgive me if I'm not too willing to make anymore." I sat down at our high top breakfast table and poured myself a bowl of cereal.

My mom tsk-ed at me and shook her head. "He's life-guarding with you this summer, can you please show him around and introduce him to people? And be nice, please."

"Be nice to him? He'll be lucky if I say one word to him all summer." I replied with a scoff. Like hell I would show him around. The guy who single-handedly broke me. My ex-best friend.

"Hallie Scout Johnson, you will do as I say. Now go put on some decent clothes, they'll be here any minute." My mom said with an accusatory angry glance at me.

"I am decent, mom," I said as she scanned my attire. Maybe I wasn't decent per say, with last night's dress and Connor's hoodie that I'd forgotten to take off, but all the important body parts that needed to be covered were covered.

Summer Love✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt