I covered my eyes to prevent the sun from burning me alive. I looked around the pool and saw her tanning. It was almost the end of October, so i'm not surprised her and the rest of the girls were still by the pool. It was going to get cold very fast.

I put a smile on my face and walked over to her. She had on Ray Bans as her blonde locks were up in a bun. She was wearing a black polka dot bikini.

"Hey Reag." I said in the nicest tone I could muster.

"If it isn't the Colton Ashwood. I knew you'd come back eventually." She smirked. She slid her glasses on her head, revealing her blue eyes. They didn't compare to Faith's. Reagan's were lighter and so dull. They had no life in them.

"I need your help." I told her, ignoring her comment. Reagan's eyebrow shot up.

"We can go back to my place." She insinuated. I shook my head. She looked at me with confusion. "Yours?"

"No. I actually need your help with something else. There's this guy, Nick Foster, he just transferred and I need to find him." I told her. She nodded, listening to me. She then reached for her phone. It was on a small table, resting with her keys and magazine.

"Why do you need to find him?" Reagan asked. She was typing furiously on her phone.

"It's important." I said, sounding slightly desperate. She raised an eyebrow and then went back to typing.

"Alright fine. Be vague." She said with an eye roll. She then showed me her phone. I squinted against the sun and saw his instagram profile. He was blond and had tan skin. He looked like someone I would party with. I hated him.

"That's him?" I asked. She nodded.

"According to my sources, he hasn't fully moved in. He's had a few classes, but he makes it official tonight." She said locking her phone. She then placed it on the table and slid her glasses back on. "I swear Colton, this better not have anything to do with that slut you brought to the party."

"She's not a slut." I defended Faith. Reagan scoffed. "But, thank you for your help."

"Whatever Ashwood. I'm warning you though, you're mine and only mine." She said in a menacing tone. I could feel her piercing eyes without seeing them. I slightly shuddered. She did scare me, but there's no way i'm "hers".

"Yeah whatever. Thanks." I said. She waved as I walked away. I felt at ease now. I knew he hadn't moved in yet and I needed to find Faith to tell her. Maybe we'd have some peace and quiet without his interruption. I just hoped he stayed away long enough to make Faith mine.


Walking into the library, I had one girl on my mind. I knew she'd be hiding in here. This was her sacred place. She had told me that she hates procrastinating her homework, so she likes to get a head start on it. Apparently irritates Alyson because she hates being in the library so much.

I'm not surprised to say that Faith is indeed here. She's in the back corner with her face stuffed in some book. It looks similar to the one she was reading when I first met her in the lobby. Damn, that seems like so long ago. I cannot believe I was so rude to her.

"Hey." I whispered. She looked up in confusion before a smile was formed on her beautiful face.

"What are you doing here?" She asked. She grabbed her bookmark and marked her spot within her book. She then looked up at me with curiosity. Her blue eyes were shining bright while her brown hair was up in a ponytail. She was wearing a school shirt with leggings.

"I was looking for you." I said sliding into the seat beside her. Her face reddened. "Do you want to go get food?"

"I just ate lunch." She said timidly. I chuckled. After knowing her for two months now, the only time I had seen her out of her shell had been at the party. She went back to being her typical self, but I loved the fact that should was able to be her sassy self with me.

"That's okay. I thought i'd ask. So, what are you reading?" I asked. She picked up her book and showed me the cover it was pink with a couple cuddling as the background. It was called, "The Lucky Bump".

"I promise you it's really good." She defended.

"Is it some romance novel?" I asked. She shook her head. "What is it about then?"

"Well it does have romance, but it's also about friendship and family." She explained. I nodded in understanding. "So, are you not going to get food then?"

"No, I am. I'll just get food later. Plus, I wanted to spend time with you." I told her honestly. She blushed, biting her bottom lip.

"Well i'm either here, in class, or in my dorm." She said not meeting my gaze. I sighed.

"Are you still hiding from him?" I asked. She shrugged. "Babe, I promise he isn't going to hurt you. Justin and I have been asking around and so far there hasn't been any sign of him. He hasn't even moved in. Are you sure that he is even going to come here and isn't only touring the campus?"

"Aly said he was. One of her friends back home sent her a picture from his Snapchat where he posted that he was moving here for school." She told me.

"So, you haven't seen him either?" I asked. She shook her head. "Let's try to keep it that way then. I don't know what happened, but I promise I won't let it happen again."

"Thanks Colton." She said softly. She smiled brightly at me. I found myself getting lost in her eyes. They were beautiful and I wanted to stare into them forever.

"You're amazing." I said to her. I saw a piece of her hair fall out of her ponytail. I took one of my hands and tucked it behind her ear. Her ears turned a bright red as I left my hand on her cheek. She leaned into my palm. I took that as a sign and leaned in. Her face was mere inches from mine. Her eyes flickered down to my lips. She wanted to kiss me and I wanted to kiss her.

I moved even closer. Our breaths mingled together as I shortened the distance. Our lips were about to connect, only we got interrupted by the devil himself.

"Babe, it's great to finally find you." We heard someone say. We both turned and saw a blond guy with a smirk. I felt Faith tense in my hold as she turned a pale white.

"Nick." She whispered.

He's here!!!! Lmk whatcha think.

Next Update: Sunday, March 10, 2019

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