"Uhh... tomorrow! We're going to see Lego Movie 2, we're going to see Lego Movie 2!" Mincul sings, bouncing around the room.

"And why don't you open yours, Yoongi." Hoseok says, sitting down on the bed next to Yoongi as Hoseok hands Yoongi the wrapped box and the balloon.

"Why'd you get me a balloon?" Yoongi asks as he carefully unwraps the present.

"I got it for you so that it could be a reminder of my love for you. Until it, like, dies of course. But I'll just get you another one."

"I see." Yoongi says, pulling the wrapping paper off the box and using the pocket knife on his bed side table to open the box.

Inside there is a box of chocolates, an envelope, a box of cigarettes and some... adult items not fit for the kids.

"Why is there a box of cigarettes in here?"

"Namjoon's birthday thirteen years ago. We met again for the first time since high school and you saw me smoking. Truth is, every one I knew had significant others and I didn't and I was putting myself under pressure to find someone. That pressure led to unhealthful habits, meaning smoking. But that night, I quit smoking. Cold Turkey. I'm not sure if you noticed or not but I did and haven't gone back to it since. Thirteen years, one marriage, and two kids later and I don't regret it one bit. That night I knew that you were gonna be the one I was waiting on even if neither of us really believed it."

"Hold up, you were a smoker and still look as good as you do?"

"I know right? Anyways, check the envelope."

Yoongi opened the envelope to find two tickets for a cruise. But not just any cruise. This cruise lasted for nearly a month as they traveled all up and down the western coast of Africa.

Not gonna lie, Yoongi had been wanting to go on this cruise for about a year now and had not stopped talking about it for the first six months after he found out about it. Hoseok was going to get the tickets for Yoongi for Christmas but with everything else that came up and everything that was coming up, it was best if Hoseok waited for a little.

"You got me the tickets." Yoongi whispers, looking up at Hoseok with utter shock and love written all over his face.

"Yeah. I figured it was the least I could do for you after you stuck with me for twelve years."

"I love you so much." Yoongi says before tackling Hoseok on the bed with a kiss.

"Ew! Papa's eating Dad's face! Kyungie, don't look!" Minchul says, covering his little sister's entire face with his hands.

"Is Papa a vampire?" Kyunghee asks, tilting her head.

Yoongi breaks away from the kiss to roar at his kids, making both of them scream.

"Yoongi! Don't scare them like that! Come here babies." Hoseok says, picking the two kids up with ease.

"Are you okay Dad?" Minchul asks, squishing Hoseok's cheeks to inspect the man's face for injuries.

"Never better, Minchie."

"Papa, I want you to hold me." Kyunghee says, squirming in Hoseok's arm.

"Come here Kyungie." Yoongi took the adorable little girl from his husband's hold and spun her around in circles before taking her into the kitchen to help him cook breakfast.

Yoongi loved his life. He had a wonderful husband that did everything in his power to make Yoongi happy. He had two beautiful children that were so obediant and nice.

He couldn't have asked for more.

- - -

A/N: Hey what's up you guys, yes welcome back to another freaking chapter. This is really a McFreaking thank you for all of the reads. I can't believe this book has gotten this far and I'm not mad about it. Just to catch you up on my life in case anyone was wondering, I have my first girl crush. She's currently in a relationship but not a good one. She doesn't know I like her. Also, the weather here is killing me. I want to shoot something, honestly. So you guys know, this was over a thousand words and it took me like a month to write. I was going to publish it on Valentine's but I didn't finish it in enough time so I decided to publish it on the
nine month-iversary of the idea for Change. It's surprising to me to see how much I've changed (😉😉) in nine months and how sure I was of myself then. I'm not the same person. Now, I tread lightly when trusting people and I am a lot more relaxed in views and I've come to terms with actually having to see my family after I move out. But enough about me, how are you? Tell me how you've changed because I really want to know (unlike all the things they're teaching me at school). I will forever love you guys, platonically of course. 💜

(EDIT) turns out, i should not have liked her. that was a huge mess. they're still together though so i mean you do you sis. aight, see y'all in the next book.

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