The Downs

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Growing up going through hard times. Its true we didnt have much, But my mom made sure she got food on the table, clothes on our backs. And send us to school everyday just to get that education. My mom did make some bad decisions in her life but she always made sure she said " dont follow my foot steps do better make me proud "

We been in and out of a shelter but she went to work everyday until she could by a house or something that we could call ours or maybe even a home. She fought for us even if we was wrong just like she'll lay down in die for us when we are wrong. My mom kids mean the world to her no matter how many times she whoop you or yell she would always say “ i love you”

Sometimes I break down thinking we wasnt go make it. Were going to be like this forever money wasn't easy and when my mom got to give us our first Christmas it was stolen that broke my heart so bad. Not because i didn't get anything just because my mom worked so hard to get it.  She broke her back for it, it wasn't easy it wasn't just handed down to us.

My life yeah it's but me staying strong believing myself made me hold on i had to sit down for a minute in realize that they say things happen for reason so you can provide for the feature. I was hoping that was true. But I knew my mom was going to find a way. Even if she had noboey she will stand on her own.

She always tried to hide her tears just so we cant see them. But we did in it was hard to watch cause she would hold all that in but end up taking it out on somebody. That was the crazy thing about her but it's okay.

The way she would love for you though you couldnt even be mad at her because she would go hrd for you like no one else. You might get mad at her are say you canrl't stand her but you will always forgive her.

Family will fight, go through hard stages but will always get back up in push their self to succeed. My mom would always tell us storys about her times they where good and bad but she never regretted them. Because things happen for a reason right. But at the same time she wasnt proud of some of them.

Having three house firers was really gard for us thats why we arent allowed to touch the stove. She would always say " Dont play with no type of fire in my house" many people thought it was crazy but it wasnt it was true we been in three fires so why would we want more.

I use to always be happy in smile just so I didnt have to cry about what my mom went through. But as I got older it got harder. But she would always notice it even if I tried my best to hide it she could always tell. But she told me dont worry she got this even though i never told her what was wrong she knew i  knew.

She would always make sure that she text her mom Or call everyday they still do it until this day. The bond that sge has with her mom us unbreakable. I love how they both look so beautiful and always stay strong.

People somtimes think just because you had to live in a place that wasnt your then they can just judge you. But they dont know what people gi through or what people have to do. You just have to ignore it make it your motivation to do better.

Dont put hate on someone that you do t know what they been through. Because you could be going through this too mom's will do anything for their child just so that you can survie.

Some people dont get a chance to meet their mom's. And some people get to havd one but still disrespectful and dont liaten while another child would love to have a momma. They would love for their mom to get them clothes, food, etc but we have it but ant grateful.

See my mom if you ask in she said no, tat means no you cant go ask another adult the answer was no. In if she did get you something you need to be grateful.

My mom really work her butt off trying to get us food on the table. She worked hard that shs got us a house and clothes on our backs. And im so grateful for her and proud of her .

Momma I love you with all my soul and im so grateful to have you as a mother. You have done so much for me and I wanna thank you. I know you have been through so much and you dont want me to follow your foot steps. In i wont I want to make you proud and I am going to.

Mom I know it can be hard rasing your kids but you do a very good job at it. Even if you think you cant do it no more I know you can in I wont ever let you forget that. You are my Royalty Queen no matter what I will always love you.

People dont notice the new they always notice the past thats why they hold on so long. People think having a mom is the best thing in the world well some People dont know what a mom is or what it feel like to have a mom who loves you. They dont understand that our mom's is our protecters thats why we should honor them and be grateful.

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