Thanks To Nanny

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My granny and mom are inseparable everyday my mom gets a phone call from her mom. Its so sweet she loves to hear her mom saying god has us she loves her mom with all her mighty soul in will go crazy if she ever loose her.

I love my granny even though she crazy. She always wants us to succed for the best and always down to ride granny I am so grateful for having me as your grand chlid.

There is no distance in this world that can take you away from're words in courage me to do m mutt my best. Never have i ever thought papa would it be here to share this journey I really miss him your love your soul Your Heart a piece of you he still here watching over us I can still feel him.

I just want to thank you Granny for making my mama a strong Warrior and for being there when we need you and we know you always there I love you nanny and I'm so grateful to have you.

No matter what you love your big baby boy and I love my uncle to I'm so grateful to have him also and I just wanted to I love you with all my soul.

The bond that you and mommy have makes me smile the way yall connect the way yall trust and the way yall love.

Nanny i know your two children is all you have buts its not because you have and the rest of your grand babys we love you Nanny.

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