My awkward story #2

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It was passed 12 nn.I was eating my brunch at my best friends house, suddenly, I sneezed and felt a perhaps a big or small mucus * I hope you don't mind,sorry* Then I picked my nose and unexpectedly someone took a picture of me picking my nose and saw that she shared it on facebook.I felt really, I mean certainly embarrassed at that time.I opened my not so used facebook account and saw the picture of me picking my nose with a lot of likes and comments.I checked the comments and one of them said that 'DUDE DID YOU SAW THAT HUGE MUCUS STICKING ON HER FINGER? *discusted face' some sort of that.The next day, as I entered my classroom, everybody stares at me weirdly with a grimaced look on them.That time they were picking on me like 5 times that 'Booger Girl '.Well I don't want to take this further, it is totally embarrassing.

This short story is sort of a bully-awkward story of my life.

But if you were thinking that they were still picking on me, they weren't this crap ended when I told my teacher.Well that's it.Goodbye?


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