Ch. 5 The joke's on us

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After we were about to drift off to sleep, we heard a 'snap!' outside.  We sat bolt upright and gasped, "What was that?" I looked over towards the window and saw a shadow on the lawn, it looked so big and scary.  Pinoke was worried, "Do you see anything?" I looked towards where the shadow was coming from and saw a hooded figure near the window.  I opened the window and looked out, the figure seemed to have red eyes! Then, without warning, he threw off his cloak revealing himself to be a huge...."Zombie!" we cried. 

It was so terrifying! Until, we heard a laugh coming from far away

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It was so terrifying! Until, we heard a laugh coming from far away.  

It turned out it was something that Kyle had up his sleeve and was doing with the help of Griffin Goolsby.  Griffin took off his mask and laughed, "We got you so good! Some pirates you two turned out to be!" 

We felt incredibly ashamed of ourselves for letting ourselves be tricked so easily.  

Then, Benny decided to take a stand on it, "That's not funny guys

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Then, Benny decided to take a stand on it, "That's not funny guys.  You already picked on me tonight, you don't get to pick on my brother.  Why don't you go somewhere else?" Seeing that he was going to persist, they left.  Benny gave me a squeeze, "I heard the noise and just thought I would come save you guys."  Pinoke and I exchanged smiles, "Well, you definitely saved the day for us Benny.  Now, go on to bed."  He bobbed his head and skipped off to bed.  

There were few times that Benny did something like that, but tonight was one of them.  

After Pinoke and I got settled in for the night, we were finally able to go to sleep without the nightmares we feared we would have.  That Halloween taught us not to be too gullible and things aren't always what they seem.


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