The Hate

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Did I do that?

Sonic could not believe that he...that he...He showed such physical violence. That he did such a thing! He left in a rush, running into his house and into his room. God, ever since Tails had disappeared, Sonics been uncontrollable, like you just decided to toss in bunch of chemicals together. It's going to explode sooner or later, and Sonic knew that, he just didn't know when. He had felt this before, this anger. That was almost two years ago, when Cosmo and Chris, a human who was from a different planet, had been captured by the Meterex(just deal with it, I don't know how to spell it, alright?). It was a trap so the blue hedgehog could be a pet, to be tested on his strength and speed. When he saw Cosmo and Chris hurt and trapped in this container, he felt so mad. That was when he finally snapped and turned into 'Dark Sonic', as he likes to call it.

"Wow," Sonic breathed," I need to calm down."

Honestly, he had no idea how, or even why, he got that dark side of him. Maybe it was all those times he combined with the chaos emeralds to turn Super. He knew, from Shadow, that when he turned Dark, his chaos energy turned dark as well. Sonic always thought that the hidden chaos energy reacted to his emotions, so he always tried to be upbeat, afraid of turning into that monster again.

If you're wondering how Shadow knew, he was there when it had happened. He was hiding in the shadows when Eggman had appeared. It was crazy because when Shadow noticed, he had felt somthing dark and the elder hedgehog didn't like the feeling felt so wrong to him. Shadow had freaked out right away because he never expected something so dark to come out of the cheerful hedgehog.

I'm not going deep into that stuff, afterall, it is another story.

Sonic breathed and then breathed out, trying not to think of any bad stuff. Tails will be back in just a week. His blue fur was somehow matted with sweat, from the heat and from mentally working so hard. To be honest, he was not surprised if he went insane from all of this.

Oh, like Sonic.Exe from all the fans, Sonic thought to himself as he hummed a bit.

Sonic.Exe was a game that some fan had made about the azure hedgehog. Sonic had no idea what it was about until Knuckles had managed to get ahold of it. The red dummy had no idea what it was about either, but he had dared the hedgehog to play the game and so the blue idiot did. Regret had followed later. At first, it started out great. Sonic had noticed the screen from his old games, but on the last second, it had changed. It freaked out both Mobians for a while, especially when they saw the character select screen. When he played, he realized it was an insane him who had a taste for his friends blood.

"Okay,stop!" Sonic hissed to himself. He has been doing that a lot lately, talking to himself. Maybe because of the lack to talk to someone else.

"STOP!" Sonic yelled, he slumped down, giving up.

He felt mentally tired and all he could do know was wish Tails was back with him.



Shadow walked into the club, walking straight to the back. He went behind the counter to a door that led to a hall with two other doors. The door slipped open and Shadow scanned the area to see if anyone managed to get in here. After he checked and saw no one, he went to the left door that was known as he bedroom. Yes, he lived in a club with his friend Rouge. The other door was Rouge's room, and he(of course) was not allowed to go in there. Anyway, his door was always locked, Shaodow using chaos control instead of using key. Only Rouge had a key...and Sonic...Do not ask why that Faker had gotten a spare to his room.(Hehe, Sonic asked Rouge for a key and she just gave it to him.)

Shadow kicked off his rocket shoes and they landed off somewhere in a corner. He, right now, was wondering about his rival. The artificial hedgehog swore he felt that type of dark chaos energy before.

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