Hey sexy...Did you miss me?

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TW: Self-Harm and talks of violence
Author POV ~2 months later~

So Diggy and Aaliyah been together for the past two months and everyone finds them to be the cutest couple ever well....except for Meme. Yep, Diggy's ex-girlfriend can't stand them together. Every since they been together Meme been stalking Diggy more and more trying to get him to seduce her but somehow he always seems to escape. Diggy hasn't told Aaliyah cuz he doesn't know how she'll react but he been talking to Twist & Justin.

"Man I'm not sure what to do with Meme, she's gone get me in trouble" Diggy says

"She's tryna get revenge, you hurt her so she's trying to ruin you and Liyah relationship to hurt you both" Twist says

"Tell my sister, at least warn her bro" Justin pleads

So he warned her but it seemed like the stalking stopped. WRONG !!! It's only begun. Will Meme ruin their relationship or will Liyah catch her envious act to seduce Diggy? Let's find out

Diggy POV ~4 weeks later~

So it's been a whole month since Meme tried to seduce me again, man why is she doing this to me? Well, at least it stopped. Just then I got a text:

Hey sexy did you miss me? You didn't think you had got rid of me that quickly did you? Now meet me in the dance studio in 10 minutes or the pictures I put in your locker will be on Facebook, Twitter & every media blog it is as well as in your girlfriend's hands ~Meme~

I go to my locker to see what pictures she's talking about and find some pictures where it looks like we're having sex but we never did. I look closer and I can tell she photoshopped these pictures and she put Aaliyah's birthday at the bottom so it seems like I was with her but again I wasn't. I run and look for Justin & Twist. I show and explain everything to them and ask for their advice.

"I'm going to warn my sister she deserves to know bro" Justin says

"Forward that text to me so I can show it to liyah and go to Jazzy before she leaks those pictures"

Justin/Twist POV

So we go to look for Liyah and we see her slide down in front of her locker crying. She has an envelope that says "Sex with a Star". We realize those were the pictures of Diggy & Meme. So we ran up to her to see she had cut herself and was bleeding.

"Why did you cut yourself?" Justin asked shaken by the scene

"I knew Daniel was gonna hurt me"

"*turns Liyah's tear-stained face towards him* Liyah you're way too beautiful to be cutting yourself. Promise me you'll never cut yourself again *wipes the tears away*"

"*slides pocket knife towards Twist* I promise"

"*hugs/holds Liyah* Diggy didn't do anything Liyah. Meme tryna ruin yall relationship" Twist says

"How do you know?"

We show her the text and how the pictures were fake. She stands up, pace back and forth and punches a hole in the school wall.

"I'm a kill her, where she at ?"

"Sis chill" Justin says

"Dance studio" Twist says

"Liyah!!!" Justin screams

"What!!!" Liyah screams back

"Let's not do something you'll regret" Justin says

"I didn't get my pocket knife back from Twist did I? Now excuse me, I have some business to take care of *walks toward the studio*"

We follow close after her and all hell breaks loose.

A/N: Well dang you really mad punching holes thru brick and stuff. Will Meme ruin yall relationship or will Liyah catch her envious act to seduce Diggy ? What is Meme & Diggy doing in that dance studio ? What are you gonna do to Meme when you see her ? Must request next chapter to find out

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