We need to talk...I'm sorry

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~2 and a half weeks ago~ Author POV

So for the past couple weeks Diggy and Aaliyah been studying Spanish and every test Diggy's gotten better each time. Diggy and Liyah learned to get along now they're best friends. They had this huge Spanish Exam a few days ago and they get their grade back today. Spanish is the last class before lunch. They go to their locker before lunch so they can pack.

Diggy POV

"So what you get on the test ?"

"A+ what about you ?"

"Sorry I failed ya Liyah *gives her the paper*"

"*looks at the paper and smiles* Aaaah OMG you got an A too *hugs him tightly* I'm so proud of you Diggy"

"Thanks, I owe it all to you tho *smiles*"

"It was nothin *starts walkin away*"

"Where are you going ?"

"Bathroom, I'll be back"

As soon as she leaves Meme walks up...I gotta break up with her.

"Hey boo *hugs and kisses him*"

"Hey *looks away from her*"

"What's wrong babe ?"

"We need to talk"


"I'm sorry Meme but.....it's over"

"Wait what ? But why ? What I do ?"

"Nothing I just lost feelings that I used to have for you. You deserve someone who can love you. Who am I to keep you from someone who can really care for you? I can't do this to you...it just wouldn't be fair"

"Diggy *starts to cry* I love you"

"I'm so sorry I hurt you Meme"

"*walks out the bathroom and to the lockers* What's wrong Meme ?"

"*looks @ Liyah* You did this !!! Why couldn't you just get your own man ?"

"Huh ?"

"Don't act stupid you made Diggy break up with me so you could have him"

"What are you talking about ? I didn't steal Diggy, I don't go with him"

"She had nothing to do with this"

"*looks @ Diggy* Yeah right, you're in love with her Daniel just admit it, you always have been. Your face glows and you become so happy when she's around *looks @ Liyah and pushes her into the lockers* I HATE YOU !!!! *runs away crying*"

"*runs to Liyah* Are you okay ?"

"Yeah, my shoulder hurt but I'm good. Why did you break up w/ her anyway ?"

"I didn't love her like she wanted me to, my heart is somewhere else *helps Liyah up*"

"Thank you"

~End of the day~

So we all go and hang at Justin's house for the weekend. I tell them about how I broke up w/ Meme & the drama that happened after.

"So she pushed you ?" the twins asked

Yeah, she thought I told Diggy to break up w/ her *puts headphones on*" liyah said

"But she didn't, Aaliyah didn't even know I was gonna break up w/ her"

"Why did you ?" Justin asked

"I didn't love her like she wanted me to, my heart is somewhere else"

Liyah had her headphones in drawing while we were talking. There was an awkward silence when Liyah started singing softly.

I might be bad but I'm perfectly good at it, sex in the air I don't care I love the smell of it, sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me

"Oooooo Liyah's a freak" everyone teases

"*takes out headphones* What ?"

"You like whips?" Twists ask

"And chains?" Justin chimes in

"* fake laughs* real funny"

Just then Mr. Combs walks in and tells us a special was done on him so we could tune in and watch it.

A/N: Poor Meme. Was Meme doing the most when she pushed Aaliyah ? Did Diggy dump Meme because of his feelings for Aaliyah ? Is Aaliyah really a freak ? Must request next chapter to find out. Huge shock in next chapter that will make your mouth drop

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