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Millie is holding me tight as I hear a ring echo through the house. Noah and Sadie. Millie tells me to stay as she gets up and answers the door.

"Hey" Sadie smiles sadly as she walks in, it seems like she was about to say something else when something comes barging past screaming. I'm about to scream when I recognize-

"(Y/N)!!!!!! GEt yOuR BuT ovER HeRe ANd lET nOaH gIvE YOu hUG"

This boy....I can't help but chuckle. Damn my best friend intruding my moodiness.

I see Millie and Sadie chatting in the corner on their phones while Noah smacks me with a pillow repeatedly screaming, "SNAP OUT OF IT!"

But I don't want to do anything. I don't want to get up. Someone somehow found that picture. Someone wants Mills and I to break up. Someone wants my heart to be broken again.

Then suddenly. After the 13th time Noah hit me I jump up.

"My EX" I whisper. Everyone looks at me, Sadie, Millie, and Noah all looked confused but Noah I assume was confused for a different reason, as the girls never met her...

"But she was so kind," Noah asks, "Why would she ever do that?". Millie looks upset, of course, she would we are talking about her girlfriend's ex, but I ignore it.

"She was there when we took the photo! And she seemed so calm when I broke up with her after I got back with Millie it was unsettling. Maybe...she either wanted revenge...or wanted me back...?"

"Who would want you back?" Noah asks, receiving a smack from me before Sadie speaks up, "By any chance...was your girlfriend called (R/N)random name)"
My ears perk up at the sound of her name, "Yeah...(R/N)..how did you know."
Sadie goes red, "Well..."

A/N - DAN DAN DAAAAN SUSPENSE! Also, my best friend may have pointed out I forgot about the reader's girlfriend back in a previous chapter and I couldn't be bothered to go back and fix it...

Unbelievable (Millie Bobby Brown x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now