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For one chapter onlyyyyy - Millie's POV!!!!!

I blush as I move a little closer (Y/N). I thought this would be just a nice opportunity to meet a fan. Well turns out not. Because she's honestly gorgeous and I just want to kiss her. But I'm not out. And she might tell the world. She probably isn't even gay. I move my hand an inch closer to hers, maybe if she is she'll make the move. I sigh, she's bloody amazing. I look at the screen intently to distract myself.

Then I feel something sit ontop my hand. It was (Y/N)'s hand.

(Y/N)'s POV

I see her hand and its oh so close. I slowly move my hand and, oops it's on top of hers. Oh God. It's too late to go back. She is going to think I'm so weird, oh no.

But then out the corner of my eye I see her smiles. She likes it? I start to question my sanity, it must be a dream, there is no way in this world that Millie Bobby fricking Brown likes ME!.

Suddenly out of no-where Millie calls out, "Let's play truth or dare!"

This could end either amazingly or horribly, oh so horribly.

We all sit in a circle. Millie keeps looking at me, god she probably thinks im so weird. Gaten starts and smirks while looking at Caleb and Sadie, "Caleb truth or dare?"

"Dare, I ain't no pussy" he laughs.

"I dare you to kiss Sadie" Gaten says too casually. Caleb and Sadie look like tomatos and inside I scream, I always shipped them while watching Stranger things, I wonder if Byler is real too? Everyone bursts into a sarcastic applause when Caleb kisses Sadie, and they don't pull away for like 3 minutes. "Alright Millie truth or dare" Caleb says after a while

"Truth""Out of the all of us in the circle who would you date"I watch Millie intently as she takes a deep breath and says.......

A/N - Ok its getting longer-ish. Buttt yayyyy! Two chapters in one day!

Unbelievable (Millie Bobby Brown x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя