Valentines Day! (Alozar One Shot)

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(This isn't related to the actual story)

Third person's POV

Albert walked excitedly to Selozar's home deep in the forest but also feeling sort of nervous. It was Valentine's Day today and Albert had bought some roses which were Selozar's favorite. He wanted to confess to Selozar about how he loved him and how special he wanted to make him feel. As he was walking, his thoughts drifted off to earlier when Selozar messaged him.

*text messages from earlier today*

S: Hey Albert!
A: Hey!
S: Are you doing anything special today? For  Valentines? Maybe confessing something for someone?
A: nah, just going to stay home with my cats
S: oh...
A: What are you doing for Valentines?
S: Just going to stay home as well...
A: oh okay, I'll text you later I have to go right now bye!
S: goodbye..

Albert wanted to surprise him in person instead of texting.

Selozar's POV

I felt extremely miserable and lonely. I sat on my bed hugging my pillow and crying softly. I wanted to tell Albert about my feelings for him but I was so afraid he would think I'm weird and leave me forever... AloneTraveler would always tell me nobody will ever love me and to not even try because I'm worthless and dumb. I blinked and for a second I saw blood all over my room but then it went back to normal. I shook my head and got up from my bed to get a glass of water. Maybe I just don't deserve to be loved... maybe AloneTraveler was right.

Albert's POV

After about an hour of walking I stopped  from exhaustion. I felt lost but I wasn't going to let anything stop me from seeing Selozar. I looked around but couldn't find any water. I  looked at the setting sun and realized it must be around 6:00pm. It also meant it was  going to be dark soon. "Shit, I'm lost in the middle of a forest and it's going to be dark soon" I said to myself. I started to shiver from the cold gust of wind and sighed. After a bit I started walking again. "I-I wish Selozar's h-home wasn't so far a-away" I said shivering even more. It became nighttime and I was really scared. I could barely see in front of me even with the flashlight from my phone. Finally, I couldn't walk any more and fell on the ground. All of a sudden, I heard a howl that sounded very close... I looked around and at first I saw nothing. Then I saw it. Six red glowing eyes from the shadows staring right at me. I sat there frozen in fear. The wolves came out of the shadows and stepped into the moonlight.

I breathed heavily and then I screamed, "SELOZA-...." the biggest wolf lunged at me and sunk its sharp teeth into my left arm and I started to bleed badly. I shrieked in pain as I tried to fight off the wolf.

Selozar's POV:

I had my window wide open so I heard the scream from somewhere in the forest not too far away. All I was able to hear was "SELOZA.." and whoever it is was cut off by someone, or something... I grabbed alone's sword and swung the front door open and slammed it close and went as fast as I could go to where I heard the scream come from. I entered a clearing in the forest and saw Albert laying on the ground struggling to fight off the large wolf that was attacking him. I glanced at the other two smaller wolves who noticed I arrived and were now growling. "ALBERT!!!" I yelled without thinking. I saw him turn his head to look at me which gave the wolf enough time to bite his upper thigh making him scream out in pain. I slashed at the wolf attacking Albert and make a large and nasty cut on the beast's chest. The wolf growled and ran away, the two smaller wolves following after it. I dropped the sword on the ground and turned my attention to Albert and my heart sank. He had bad wounds on his arm and thigh and other bad cuts, I could tell he was breathing heavily. "A-Albert?" Worry was in my voice. I looked to his side and saw a bouquet of roses which weren't at all damaged. I held alberts hand in mine tightly. Then I realized I should try to help him so I bandaged his wounds and put some medicine on his smaller cuts. I picked him up bridal style and also picked up the roses and I carried him back to my house..

~Time skip~

Albert's POV

My eyes fluttered open and my whole body hurt and ached. "W-where am I-i..." I said as I looked around the room I was in. "It's okay, your safe now" I looked at where the soft voice came from and saw Selozar smiling gently and blushing at me from the other side of the room. I couldn't help but smile. Selozar ran to me and wrapped his arms around me making sure he didn't hurt me. "I-I'm so s-sorry"... I started to say but he put his finger on my lips and pressed his lips against mine softly making me turn a bright shade of pink. Selozar pulled away and I noticed he was blushing deeply. I looked at my side where the bouquet of roses were and handed them to him blushing. Selozar smiled and said "Albert... will you be my valentines?" Still blushing I reached up and kissed him.


This wasn't meant to be this long honestly and I'm so sorry if this is garbage and cringy but I put blood, sweat, and tears into this chapter it's 950 words and yeah happy Valentines Day everyone!

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