♥️Valentines Day Chocolates♥️

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry. It will all go all away when the day is over." Kaoru said, patting his niece on the head gently.

Just as (Y/n) was about to get out of the car, there was a large thud. The three looked out the limo back window, only to see a heap of pjs, blonde hair, and sweat.

"Dad!?" (Y/n) yelled. She jumped out of the limo, and went behind the car. She grabbed his shoulders, and started shaking him. "Dad! Wake up! You're in public!"

The twins just smirked at one another, before hooking they're arms from under Tamaki, and dragged him into the limo. "We'll see you later!"

The car started zooming away, leaving (Y/n) in the street, along with the other students all wondering the same thing. What the heck just happened?

"Rough Valentines Day morning?" Saiki asked, walking towards her, and pulled her out of the street, to make sure there was nothing going to hit her.

"You have no idea." (Y/n) groaned, feeling her headache get slightly worse.

"He woke you up at 12, your mom made him go back to bed, your uncles took you here, your dad went crazy from whatever your Uncles said, and chased you down, and ended up running into the car." Saiki said, walking towards the school with the exhausted girl.

"You got that right." (Y/n) sighed. "Now I have to start accepting the chocolates form everyone..."

"Did you bring chocolates for anyone?" Saiki asked, moving his eyes to look at her.

(Y/n) blushed. "Yeah, I did. But I'm not telling you, and I will block you from my mind if you try and pry."

"I don't plan on looking though your brain. Whoever you like, you like." Saiki said, and just looked back at where he was walking.

If Saiki was going to be honest, he didn't want her to like anyone else. He didn't want (Y/n) to spend time with other people that wasn't him. He didn't want someone who was not even close to equal to her, to be her lover. He didn't want that.

"Did you block me from your thoughts?" (Y/n) asked him, accepting some gifts form her fans, thanking them with small hugs.

"No. I just wasn't thinking anything form a while." Saiki lied, making sure his thoughts of what he wanted was going to be blocked form her mind.

"If you say so." (Y/n) shrugged, and accepted another small box of chocolates from an upper class-man.

"How much chocolate did you get this year?" Saiki asked, eating a piece of chocolate that came form one of (Y/n)'s boxes.

The two were sitting on the roof, which (Y/n)'s fans willing let her have some privacy, while Saiki had used his teleportation powers to get him on the rooftop.

"Little more than last year. Must be because of the new kids." (Y/n) said, eating a chocolate with caramel inside (if you don't like caramel, then pretend you ate a piece of chocolate that you like).

"Sounds like you're getting more popular by the minute." Saiki said, hiding his jealousy from his inner thoughts.

"It gets annoying sometimes. I'm just grateful that they all let me have some time to myself." (Y/n) was truly greatfull for her fans, and happy that they all had let her have some time to herself, and didn't become one of those really crazy stalkers.

Saiki nodded. He looked into his bag, only to see a box of (Y/n)'s (favorite chocolates). He blocked her form his thoughts, just in case she would possibly hear him. "Should I give them to her? Would she just see them as friendship chocolates?"

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