Valentines Day Special

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Disclaimer: This has nothing to do with the story I am writing :)
          FBI AU~~

Saiki sits in his office watching a screen blankly as it flipped from app to app mindlessly. The person controlling it seemingly as bored as he was. Saiki let's out a frustrated sigh and runs his fingers through his pink hair. This job was going to be the death of him he thought as he pulled out the case file.
        Kusuo Saiki- keep surveillance on possible espionage suspect.

Suspect name: Shun Kaidou
Job: Barista
Age: 23
Classification: Suspect
          -has been reported having conversations of matters that should be kept from the public

         He'd been watching this guy for over two weeks now and he's done nothing suspicious, made some calls, googled 'ramen near me', and played some cooking games...about ramen. Over all this guy seemed nothing more than average.

          Saiki glanced up from the file to see that 'kaidou' had opened his notes page, he'd always felt weird about calling the people he was surveying by their name but it couldn't be helped. Kaidou was writing very quickly and Saiki was reading as fast as possible.

           I haven't been found out yet, the operation is going accordingly plan, no one knows yet but I will save this world. I, the Jet Black Wings...

          He proceeded to type out his 'plan' which was so far fetched it was actually amusing to Saiki. "Is this what they were afraid of?" Saiki thought letting out a laugh. Of course over his time watching Kaidou, he had begun to realize that he was a Chuunibyou, this 'plan' only proved Saiki's theory.

            Saiki sighed looking at the clock, 12:11am. It was February 14th, officially Valentine's Day. Saiki would undoubtedly be spending it alone for the 24th year in a row. "What a pain," he thought with a groan. Later today Saiki was to report his findings on the 'suspect' he'd tell them that Kaidou was a Chuunibyou, and he'd be moved to a new case. He glanced at the screen only to see it open to Snapchat, normally Saiki wouldn't care what his suspect looked like and he'd almost always get shown their face either in the case file or when they opened the front facing camera. But Kaidou has yet to do that, and the file provided nothing.

          Curiosity got the best of him as he changed the settings from -screen view- to -camera view-

          Saiki's breath caught in his throat. There on the screen was a boy with messy light blue hair framing his face, his skin was pale and smooth. His eyes contrasted with his other features beautifully, they were a crimson color and held a wide/innocent look in them. He was gorgeous. When Saiki could breathe again he flipped the setting back to screen mode.

          "What was that? Why is he so pretty? I'm going to look again—no! But...yes" Saiki argued with himself for a while before ultimately deciding to look again. He was met with the same crimson eyes that's took his breath away for the second time. He looked at the clock, 12:46. Still Valentine's Day.

          After much debate about the possibility of losing his job. Saiki typed out a message to Kaidou.

          Unknown: Happy Valentine's Day.

          Saiki typed and retyped at least 10 times. Before squeezing his eyes shut and hitting send. He looked at the screen and saw the confusion on Kaidou's face.

         Kaidou: uhm thx.. who is this?

          Unknown: uh
          Unknown: I am the FBI agent assigned to you.

          Kaidou: .. u r onto my plan then?..

         Saiki decided that kaidou was harmless after talking all night. He also decided that he was too trusting. For all he knew Saiki could be some weirdo. He wasn't, obviously but Kaidou didn't seem suspicious at all. And that kind of worried Saiki. He'd talk to Kaidou about that some other time...suddenly Saiki caught himself 'some other time' was he planning on taking to Kaidou again? Saiki thought it over, after a while he cane to the conclusion that he wanted to get to know this boy and be a part of his life. Not just a viewer.

       Later in the day Saiki turned in his report saying kaidou's case was 'undecided' and that he needed more time. Over the next few months he became very close to Kaidou. He would continue to lie in his reports, but the truth was...he had instantly fallen for the boy with crimson eyes.

A/n~~ This is like super cringe and low quality. But it (was) Valentine's Day and y'all r so nice I felt that u deserved something. I wrote this at 1am sorry for typos and quality. Love u guyssss (791 words) OH AND HAPPY BELATED VALENTINES DAY

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