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          A/n so when something has ~words~ it's the person in that POVs thoughts. Now when Saiki is reading others thoughts it will look like this "~ words~" thx and enjoy reading.

Kusuo POV

          I hear a knock at the door and internally groan. I try to read their thoughts to see what they want but I can't hear anything. ~good they must've left~ * knock knock knock knock * ~what? I can't hear them thinking? Wh-? Oh. Oh no please.~

          "Heyyy buddyyy! Are you home?!" ~no I'm not please leave now.~

           "Oh hello! Are you here for Ku?" ~mother you fool!~

           "Uh yeah. I wanted to invite him to the beach!" ~I'm not going~

           "Aw buddy why not??" ~because.~

           "Oh my god! Ku has a friend I'm so happy!" ~we're not frien-~

           "Oh Saiki and I aren't friends ," ~exactly~ "we're best buddies!!" ~no!~

           "Aw my Ku is finally getting a normal life! I'm so happy!" ~calm down mother I'm not going~ "Your best buddy went out of his way to ask you in person you're going." She has the look that says 'if you don't go I'll kill you' so that's how I ended up at the beach. I don't know why Kaidou came too, he looks terrified.

"~why am I here? I can't even swim. Oh Saiki is going to think I'm so lame! Oh god.~" what Kaidou doesn't know is that I don't really care.

"Hey Kaidou can you swim or are you too weak?!" Nendou may be an idiot but even he can see that Kaidou is scared of something. He was even spot on about the water.

"H-hey I know how to swim j-jerk!!" He proceeds to get into the water only to freak out. ~oh Kaidou~ Nendou comes over and asked us to swim. Us being me and Kaidou. We of course decline and against my better judgment Nendou decides to ask the girls around to swim. One after the other girls decline him. I go into the water and pretend I don't know him. ~oh my god please stop touching my hair~ Kaidou? I look over and see some girls surrounding him touching his hair and arms. Saying things like,

"Oh!! You're so cute!"
"Aw! Adorable!"
"You're hair is so soft!"
"Lets go swimming cutie,"

and other things a long those lines. ~pfft I bet his hair is soft bitch, he doesn't like that~ I send a telepathic warning to Nendou 'Kaidou's getting all the girls attention' he runs over and buries Kaidou in the sand. Why did I do that? ~you were jealous~ woah. Where the hell did that come from?? Oh well doesn't matter, that's not what happened. All that happened was Kaidou was getting anxious and his thoughts were annoying me, so I simply helped him out. It was for my benefit that's why.

          I sink to the sea floor to get some quiet. ~was Kaidou even really that uncomfortable? Did I really do that? I never help people, why Kaidou? All he is to me is another daily annoyance so it's only fair that he should be annoyed at times too. So why did I bother~ my thoughts were interrupted by a Nendou.

          "Buddy?!! Are you going pee-pee?!?" Oh god, now I really wish I didn't know him. ~I should swim back up before he draws more attention~ I start to swim when I hear the thoughts of a panicked girl. ~are you kidding me right now~ Nendou being the Nendou he is of course begins to swim out to save her. To my surprise Kaidou joins him. ~I thought you couldn't swim?~ he seems to realize this as he begins to sink. I go into action immediately to save him when none other than Nendou scoops him up. He then gets the girl too, meanwhile Kaidou is begging to be left behind "~oh god I'm such a wimp. Where's Saiki? Thank god he can't see me now!~" he's in full on panic mode again ~and Kaidou I really don't care how you look so stop worrying that I'll care. I won't.~ soon Hairo came too. ~thank god now I ca-~

          "Oh god! Leg cramp!" Hairo yells out before Nendou grabs him. ~Hairo. You had one job dude~ Nendou may be strong but not that strong he starts sinking. I'll have to help them or Kaidou could drown-I mean they ALL could drown. ~what a pain~ I teleport to them and lift up Nendou so it looks like he's walking on water. Seriously this trip was too much work. Not to mention the whole Kaidou thing. I need a nap. "~ I hope Saiki is alright I haven't seen him in a while. At least he didn't see me look like such a failure.~" oh jeez this again. They make it back safely entirely due to me but I guess it couldn't be helped.

          I 'appear' behind them and casually clear my throat. Kaidou turns first an throws his arms around me.

           "Saiki!! I was so worried I didn't know where you went! Wait where did you go! Oh it doesn't matter at least you're back! Any longer and I would've had to release my power to save you!" Well you can't say he doesn't care. I keep a bored expression on my face but secretly I'm glad someone wants to protect me. Even though I'm the one protecting everyone. ~thanks Kaidou~

          A/n and that's all for now folks. Leave me a comment if u like. I will be continuing this story. I don't have a reg update schedule going tho :P thx and I'll see ya soon. Hopefully xD
(946 words)

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