Chapter 4

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When it was night twilights pot opened shadow was there to get her to go see the commander and meet them the commander has something to discuss her in only to join them until twilight was there team dark was there to so till she stand there for a while the commander told her she's with team dark for her bravery and helping team dark so the commander told her" welcome to the team." he said till he said that team dark was happy for her to join them as her new group as team work, the commander dismissed them until they were dismissed twilight went into her new room and till she was there she was training herself to protect herself because she still has enemies out there looking for her trying to take her powers until she was training herself shadow was in there watching her training herself he was thinking himself" she knows how to protect herself I'm impressed she can do her own fighting maybe can teach her how to really train her well maybe tonight I can teach her." he said while thinking of how to ask her to train her tonight with him and talking to her so he had an idea how to ask her so he decided to write a letter and tell her about what happened to him in his past 50 years until twilight was done training she saw a paper under her door she picked it up and read it, it was from shadow" hey twilight I want you to meet me tonight at the hill in the city, from shadow." shadows letter said so she decided to meet him there till she got there shadow was standing at the cliff waiting for her she walked up to him" hey shadow." she said shadow turned around and saw twilight" hey twilight...took you long enough to get here." he said" sorry I was late so what is it that you want to do about me." she said" I want to train you to control your powers and help you how to protect yourself." he said" ok." she said" alright you ready." he said" ready." she said the two were fighting each other shadow was thinking himself" wow she does know how to protect herself and she's getting to know my moves." when shadow thinking himself his heart was beating fast" I think I'm starting to fall in love with her." he said to himself while he was thinking to himself twilight just punched him in the chest he fell to the ground really hard shadow looked up and saw twilight giving him a hand to get up he took her hand and got up" when did you learn to do that to protect yourself." shadow said" I learn that when someone or something is coming to me but I practice day and night to protect myself because of what happened to my friends and family I never forgive myself of protecting them harder that's why I want to be alone." she said" I know how you feel twilight." shadow said" you do." she said" yeah because I lost my closest friend maria 50 years I never get to see her again and I was getting my revenge on the humans but I join sonic to help the people on the planet just as I promise to maria and that's how I how you feel that's why I want to help you because you were getting your revenge on midnight sparkle cause she raised you to destroy everything that you cared and took your memories away from you but aqua the hedgehog helped you of your past and raised you as her own daughter." shadow said twilight was flashback of her past she was so scared of what happened to her and her family and friends she does not want to make anymore friends or else she will lose them again just like last time what happened to her she just wants to be alone that's all" shadow the reason why I want to be alone is because I lost everyone that I loved so much and I'd never forgive myself of what happened to them, if I make new friends they will be killed too and I still won't forgive myself" twilight said shadow was flashback about his past 50 years ago of what happened to him of his life when maria got shot of the g.u.n on the ark when he was in the pot till shadow spoken" twilight you're not the only one who had a rough life like I do right now because I lost my friend maria and I was getting my revenge on everyone on this planet I thought it was the right thing to do till maria gave me a warning giving them a chance to be happy and to be there friend that's why I was created to help them and to be there friend that's why I was getting my revenge on them just for her" he said twilight was looking at him for a little while till shadow found out twilight was looking at him he was looking at her back, they leaned at each other till they were distracted of the commander calling them to go back to g.u.n base while they were going back shadow was looking at twilight for a while till they were there the commander ordered everyone to the office because the black arms are back they were all shocked that they were back so they come up with a plan to stop them till they were done they were dismissed except for rough and omega but shadow and twilight had to go on the ship till the commander was done talking to them they went to space to stop the black arms before it's too late.

Shadow meets Twilight sparkle जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें