"I feel like these two things are vastly different," I giggle. "On one hand I talk to you too much, on the other I don't talk enough,"

"I think the difference is that with emotions you know you won't get in trouble and I won't be mad. With our relationship, if you say something, there's a chance that it'll end in an argument,"

"Yeah, exactly,"

"But baby, listen to me. I don't want you t'stop telling me about what you're feeling, I don't want that at all. I really do need t'know and I like to know so I can know what I need to do to help. You're my wife, I should help if I can,"

"I mean it like you can't be the only thing that makes me feel better, you can't be my only crutch. Of course I'm still gonna tell you everything, but I won't solely rely on you for coping,"

"Okay, good, doll. Just wanna make sure we're on the same page," He kisses me lightly. "We're a team,"

"And always will be." I smile.

"C'mon, let's get t'bed, I'm exhausted,"

"Me too," I say. "But I don't want to move!"

"Same here," Buddy sighs. "Whatever, if we fall asleep in our clothes then we fall asleep in our clothes,"

I gently place my hand on his cheek. "I love you, I'm sorry,"

"Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry for being so difficult sometimes. I really, really appreciate you for everything you do for me,"

"Even though I fully intend on stealin' the first shower?"

"I'll kill you!"

"Mhm, well you just gotta wake up before me,"

"Not fair!" I exclaim. "Not fair!"

"You've lived with me for four years!"

"More than four, honestly. I just about lived with you and Ella and L.O back in high school,"

"You were always over. Well, besides those few weeks we had to live at your place,"

"Hey, you know my house was rough on me."

"I know, doll. I didn't like livin' there too much."

I move my hand away from his face. "Yeah, because I was pregnant,"

He changes the subject. "You should be used to wakin' up early, my parents were always up by 5:30, I used to be up at 6,"

"Sometimes I wake up before you!"

"You only wake up before me if you can't sleep or didn't sleep well,"

I roll my eyes. "Whatever, take the first shower. Just don't be surprised if you wake up to a pillow smothering your face,"

Buddy laughs. "Whatever, Vi. If I died then what would you do? What'd your career be?"

"Hmmm," I purse my lips. "The same thing. I'll make a big enough name for myself that I won't need you!"

"Doll, you already got that. You're known just as much as me,"


"We do everything together," he smiles. "We don't do much apart,"

"Maybe true,"

"Remember how people even found out 'bout you?"

I giggle. "That one stupid article in Lion's Den Gossip Magazine?"

He nods. "Still dunno who quite found out,"

"That was an awkward article to read,"

August 17th, 1957. The Clovis Apartment. 5:28 pm

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