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Midoriya followed the man out into the common area with the rest of his cell mates. For a while, a new group would arrive each day. But the last group still hasn't been let out, and its been four days.

This common area is more like a prison visiting center. The room is sectioned into five pie slices, a sliver of table in the point of each of the plastic sectioned areas to feign a full round table. They can talk to others but can't touch or anything.

From what Midoriya was able to deduce, they weren't separated in any particular way. Midoriya was with Kirishima, Hagakure, and Shoji, Todoroki with Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, and Ashido, Iida with Aoyama, Ojiro, and Mineta, and finally Tokoyami with Sero, Sato, and Uraraka. That left Bakugo with Jiro, Asui, and Koda.

Unfortunately, the green haired boy had stopped paying attention in his thoughts and bumped into his captor. The man stopped and everyone in the commons froze, hearts dropping to their feet. Before Midoriya could blink, the grinning man whipped around and socked the poor boy in the cheek, throwing him to the ground.

It left a warm, pokey feeling as the blood rushed into the area. The man took his steps slowly, deliberately, until he was standing over the small green-haired teen. He stared down, his brown eyes cold but smile huge. Unsettling to say the least. He crouched and pulled out one of the knives from his boot, pressing the tip to his finger and letting a drop of blood drip down onto Midoriya's face.

No one dared to cry out. If they did, they'd get a worse punishment than Midoriya himself. They all had agreed only to step in if things took a turn for the worse, as they decided they didn't need two injured people to care for.

They needed all the strength they could get if they were going to get out of here.

And that was final.

The man pressed the blade into Midoriya's skin, just above the eye. Slowly, painfully slowly, he sliced his way in a small circle, about the size as the pad on his thumb. He lifted the bloodied blade and drew another small circle next to it. Midoriya bit his tongue to keep from screaming as the man did it again, deliberately making another small circle. Like some kind of decoration around the eye.

The man licked his lips and took the blade away, Midoriya letting out a small sigh of relief. He stood, standing over the teen for another good minute before stepping away. Midoriya started to get to his feet, covering his eye with the back of his hand as to not get blood in it. Just as the green-haired teen sat up, though, the man whipped around an landed a harsh kick to the boy's side, sending the teen straight back to the concrete floor.

"Stay down, you worthless child." He growled, digging his boot heel into Midoriya's chest. Midoriya took in a gasp of air, trying to fill his lungs again, all the while they were burning as all the air was knocked out of them. The man sneered at them and removed his foot, stalking out of the common area. The room was silent the the door locked with a groan and click.

"Midoriya! Are you alright?!" Hagakure rushed over. The invisible girl lifted the poor boy's head into her lap and examined the wound. He grinned weakly at her, coughing a little.

"I-I'm... fine! No biggie...!" Hagakure sighed and tore off the bottom of her shirt, tying it around Midoriya's head, securing it tightly. Kirishima helped the two of them to their feet and they all sat at the table.

"I know we said not to help unless they're about to die... but..." Kaminari gritted his teeth and slammed his fist into the table. "It's so wrong not to even try!" The class murmured their agreement, sneaking glances at Midoriya.

"Seriously, guys... it's the best we can do. And we just need to hold out until Kacchan, Jiro, As-Tsuyu, and Koda arrive. Once we know they're safe, we can focus on the pros and escaping. Right?" Midoriya grinned at them. "Besides, I'm used to pain. It's nothing new!" The class flinched. They hated how someone like Midoriya can be used to pain like this, although they see him break his bones often.

Midoriya decided it was better they just think it was pain from his quirk. He didn't need to tell them that he was used to beatings worse than this. He built up a high pain tolerance anyway, so out of any of them it would probably be the best if only he took the hits.

"We've... already decided on this. We should go back to the regular discussion," Yaoyorozu spoke up, voice trembling slightly as she looked down at the table.

"Right." Tokoyami agreed. Todoroki, the usual leader in the discussions stood up.

"So we know that they've been copying and taking our quirks every day. Correct?" The group nodded. "Iida, how many days has it been?"

"Fifteen days." Iida has an impeccable sense of time, it's kinda scary.

"Did anyone have their quirk extracted today?" Todoroki glanced at each and every person. No one raised their hand. Midoriya pressed his fist to his mouth and started muttering again.

"So that means they're most likely done with extracting quirks, so they have fourteen copies of our quirks each, and judging from how it's a liquid, they're probably mixing them together and making combinations for a super powerful quirk. But... hm... if they have the quirks why don't they just drink it and gain the quirks themselves? Why create new life to host the quirks? Unless... they might not be compatible with the ingested quirk, so it would be safer to have someone grow up with the quirk who they know is able to handle the quirk... and that way they can get more members and mold the children so that when they grow up they hate heroes... but how many can they create in a day? And how are the villains going to raise a bunch of infants...?"

"Midoriya." Todoroki interrupted. Midoriya looked up to find everyone staring at him and he covered his mouth, embarrassed.

"Sorry..." Todoroki sighed.

"Well, now that we're up to date on everything thanks to Midoriya, let's continue..."

"Bakugo, Jiro, Asui and Koda are still missing." Shoji states.

"They're probably fine, right?" Ashido chirps, a shaky smile gracing her pink features.

"Well, as we've seen, the villains have no qualms about hurting us. We don't know how much... damage they've received." Yaoyorozu stated, not to bring Ashido down, just to state the facts. She ran a hand through her long black hair in a stressed motion, maybe annoyed that it wasn't put back in her usual ponytail.

"We can still hope for the best!" Kirishima piped up, his gaze clouded with worry. Uraraka nodded, fidgeting with her hand covers. Midoriya had the same hand covers, and can agree that they're annoying as heck. They immobilize your hands and spread your fingers out far enough that you can feel the stretch on your skin. Of course the villains didn't want to take any chance with Midoriya's quirk, that much power in a single finger could probably kill someone.

The door in Iida's section slammed open, startling the sixteen students. "Times up, you little squirts. Get going unless you wanna get burned." The purple scarred man, Dabi, created a blue flame in his hand to prove his point, staring at the four boys intensely. Mineta jumped up and went out the door as quickly as he possibly could, terrified. Iida waved Aoyama and Ojiro ahead of him, a sullen look on his face.

One group at a time, everyone was lead back into their cells.

It annoyed Midoriya to no end, but he had this feeling.

They were going to be saved. They just had to be patient.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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