The team.

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Damian POV

Why Grayson thought we need a new team mate is beyond me but he and his alien partner thought it would benefit all of us.

I doubt that.

My team is adequate as it is, I have grown to bare the company and deal with their...quirks.

Green boy believes he is funny yet i know the only funny thing about him is the way he fills his head with inadequate beliefs of girls. Bug believes he is better than me, he is completely wrong. Goth is, well, fine. She bought me a dog yet I refused to take the flea infested thing. And Grayson and the alien have to be the worst, they try to help me with training and battle tactics but fail. They are kind to me for no reason, I mean I have not earned the respect why would they be kind. And they try to mother me with hugs and kisses. 'TT', I can only dread the new team member to ignore and spite.

I got so deep in my thoughts that I did not hear Goth girl banging on my door. I opened it to see her in her costume. " Nightwing and Starfire are here so you better get down their to meet the newby"

"Of course I will be attending the meet" despite how much I would rather go train than waste my time meeting this teen. It is my duty as future leader of this team that I meet my fellow comrade.

" Good cause if you didn't Kori would burn you" with that she moved to the side to let me lead the way outside. Where to my surprise green boy and bug were already standing ready to meet the new member.
Mar'i POV

It was time. time to step out of the car and meet the team. But I couldn't. It was like I was frozen solid. One hand on the door the other on my hip. Why was this happening. Their only people, nice people hopefully, but this was ridiculous.

Only when my dad opened the door was I brought out of my statue form.

Stepping out of the car I tied to imagine myself in one of those films where the hot girl steps out the car in slowmo and every one is just starting at her like "wow" but yeah that's a no.

Mum had to drag me towards all of them because no matter how much reassuring 'you'll be fine' and 'their good people' they would say I was not nudging. Its one way to be introduced to your new teammates.

"Everyone this is Nightstar, Mar'i" I waved like an idiot but what else am I supposed to do stare at the ground. They all look really friendly smiling or at least looking like they care except for the boy in the black and yellow Cape. "Mar'i is mine and kori's daughter" that got them all going.

"You have a kid, and not just any kid a really hot one!?" I wish I'd did t blush at the green boys comment but how could I not. " Dude what the hell, you shouldn't say that" the guy in blue armor seems nice, nice enough to smack the other boy on the back of the head. Next one to speak was the girl in the Cape " welcome to the mad house aka boy central. I'm Raven by the way, the green one in Gar, blue is Jaime and the brooding boy over there is Damian" we both look over but no one seems to be there. I'm a bit confused until I hear a voice behind my back " so your Grayson's daughter huh?" I could t see his eyes but I could tell that he was looking at me so distastefully "yes, I thought nightwing all ready cover that" this boy is just confusing " TT, he did and a word of warning mini Grayson, don't cross me cause last time that happened she ended up dead"

Everyone gasped yet I had no idea what was going on or what had been going on so I decided to forget it.

Jaime acted very quickly "cmon how about me and gar get you settled in" he was physically pushing us into the tower hoping for an escape from the shouting outside from and dad directed at the caped boy.

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