Up Up and Away

682 17 1

Brian Firkus' POV

I woke up with a start, to the sound of my alarm blasting off. Fuck! We slept in and my flight is in two hours. "Brian, baby." I say as I shake Brian who's sleeping peacefully and beautifully on my chest. Last night was an absolute dream. He and I were both upset at the prospect of parting again so soon after being reunited, and creating this wonderful relationship. Brian surprised me with breakfast for dinner, my favorite, that he had cooked himself. We ate a huge pile of pancakes with butter and syrup, taking dozens of pictures of one another and then a few ones together. We then played Mario Cart, the only video game this old grandpa managed to learn how to play. Then, we turned to the main event, hours of making love on as many flat surfaces we could find. Unfortunately, that was what has led us to miss the first few of my alarms.

He stirs in my arms but doesn't quite wake up and I'm almost convinced to skip my flight and stay in bed with this creature here forever. But, duty calls, and I shake him again. "Come on you tired ass show girl."

"Go back to party city where you belong." He replies groggily, kissing my chest.

"Bri, we missed the alarms, I'm gonna be late for my flight."

This gets him up like a fire alarm, and he tosses the blanket aside rapidly, exposing both our naked skins to the cold morning air. "Okay, no time to shower, let's just make sure you have everything, jack you off and get you to the airport."

I laugh hysterically as Brian fumbles around for clothes, not even noticing he put on my boxers and not his own, flailing his arms around as he makes sure all my luggage is zipped tight and loudly doing a mental checklist. I take my phone out and film a video of him, not minding the loss of another minute in favor of this pure crazy moment being documented. He's crazy in the best way possible.

I get out of bed and put on my clothes and go to brush my teeth as Brian is brewing coffee for the two of us, singing intelligibly in the kitchen. I smile to myself and feel a slight pinching at my heart, so sad to be leaving him here while I go on tour. I won't be gone for too long, only three weeks this time around, but it feels strange. Usually when we tour separately, we make sure to text and FaceTime as much as we can and I have no doubt this time will be no different. However, this time I won't only be missing laughing around with Brian or cuddling as we watch movies. This time, I'm also going to miss kissing his soft lips lazily in the morning, I'll miss falling asleep pressed against his naked body, I'll miss joint showers that are far too water wasteful, and I'll miss his laughter as I tickle his sides when he won't shut up about god damned Contact.

I pull my luggage behind me and rest it at the entrance to my kitchen, going over behind Brian to wrap my arms around him, nuzzling into his neck and breathing him in. He leans against me and I kiss the back of his head as he pours coffee into two travel mugs.

"I'll miss you." I say directly into his ear. He turns around to face me and wraps his arms around my neck, kissing my lips several times.

"I'll miss you a ton. But, this is what we do, and what we've always done. And this time we can take comfort at the thought that we can have phone sex." He smiles stupidly, trying to comfort me like always. I laugh and grab my bags as he takes the two mugs and we go downstairs to my car. Brian is driving so I can check some final details on my phone. With my other hand I hold his tightly, occasionally staring at his beautiful face lit by the morning sun, and the purple marks that I left on his neck last night. I snap a picture of him and make it my home screen, so only I could see it.

We reach the airport and decide it's best that we part at the car, seeing as Brian's neck is still adorned with hickeys and that there is no way we would part without a goodbye kiss, afraid that a fan might take a picture of us and "out" our relationship before we're ready for it. I turn my head to face Brian and he looks back at me, squeezing my hand. We both lean in at the same time and our lips meet, soft at the start but then getting hungrier as we realize it will be three weeks until the next time we see the other. His hand palms my cheek and I'm already missing the feeling of his touch on my body.

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